Acacia is about a married couple who, since they can't have a child of their own, adopt a boy named Jin-seong who seems to be obessesed with trees and drawing trees. They have a old acacia tree in their garden which Jin-seong hangs around a lot and they soon find out that he thinks the tree is a reincarnation of his dead mother. Shortly after the wife actually gets pregnant and the adopted boy becomes more and more unhappy and feels distant to his family who spends their time with their new child. Things happen and one rainy night Jin-seong disappears.
I had heard a lot about this movie before I actually got a chance to see it and one of the things that I kept hearing over and over again was how slow the movie was and that even though it claims to be a horror movie it lacks a lot in the horror department. Therefore I obviously expected a really slow movie without to many scares which doesn't end up sounding too good.
I usually don't listen to people too much when it comes to movies considering the different tastes that people have but still when I sat down to watch Acacia I was pretty sure it was not gonna be that great.
So I'd like to take time to thank all the people out there who made me not getting my hopes up at all and because of that I actually ended up really liking the movie and not feeling that it was very slow at all.
Although, I wouldn't really call it a horror movie, it's more like a drama thriller with maybe a touch of horror at very few places.
Yes it's slow but it's supposed to be slow, it's not a bad thing and it's not so slow that you have to fast forward. The thing is, things happen in the movie all the time but I guess you have to have some patience to be able to sit through it.
If you're used to Asian flicks then you're probably aware of them tending to move a bit slow at times so it shouldn't be a problem. Acacia is actually a really good drama with a sometimes creepy atmosphere to it.
Towards the end I felt there was too much going on but when the credits started rolling the movie continued for a little bit and explained what needed to be explained.
Like with most Korean movies, it's nicely directed, has very good actors and fitting music. Highly recommended if you have the patience to sit through it.
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DIRECTOR: Ki-Hyung Park
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Hye-jin Shim, Jin-geun Kim, Oh-bin Mun
COUNTRY: South Korea
RUNTIME: 104 min
RATING: 9/10
Acacia Website/IMDB Click here
Acacia Trailer Click here