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TOMIE is a film based on the super popular manga by the same name written by Junji Ito, and just from hearing what the awesome manga contain you'd think it would be one helluva film... well unfortunately, like so many times before, the movie does not even compare to the book. The flick came out in 1999, one year after the brilliant RINGU, and has spawned a number of sequels to date. All of you reading this and who are used to watching Asian horror knows that Asian films often have a tendency to "take their time" before delivering the goods. And that's of course fine just as long as we do get the goods at the end, and that's the major problem with TOMIE; we get nothing except for...
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Movie Review: Neighbor No. 13, The

The Neighbor No. 13 is about a boy who's recovering from being bullied throughout his childhood were he at one time also had acid poured on his face. He grows up as a very calm person but the hate and violence inside of him makes him form another personality who comes out when the usually calm person gets angry and it's about him wanting revenge on his former bullies.

It was really long ago since I saw a Japanese movie as good as this and I got into it without really knowing too much about it and came out being somewhat amazed by how good this movie actually was. I wouldn't call it a horror movie, although it has few horror elements it's definitely more of a thriller, or psycho-thriller if you would.

It's a bit more to it but I don't wanna give too much away since it should be watched without knowing to much about before hand. Anyway, The Neighbor No. 13 is a great thriller which tends to be very violent at times and has a lot, and I mean a lot of feeling to it.

Rinjin 13-go Rinjin 13-go

Like with so many other Japanese movies it's based on a manga and a fun thing is that Takashi Miike has a cameo in the movie. It's not slow paced since something happens all the time with a few exceptions were it's only slow but I felt this was necessary as it brings more feeling to what's actually happening or what's about to happen on screen.

Final Comments
The Neighbor No. 13 feels very fresh and I couldn't help but to think of Ichi The Killer when viewing it. It might not be that similar but still there was something. Anyway, highly recommended.

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Neighbor No. 13, The

DIRECTOR: Yasuo Inoue
GENRE: Horror, Thriller
CAST: Shido Nakamura, Yumi Yoshimura, Shun Oguri
RUNTIME: 115 min

RATING: 9/10

Neighbor No. 13, The Website/IMDB Click here
Neighbor No. 13, The Trailer Click here

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