Eugene and pregnant Jody Scott are having a baby shower in their home, and after that all the guests have left, one uninvited guest stays. He introduces himself as Frank Davis, a man who had a monster baby, and warns the couple that their child might be one of these babies as well. After some time, the couple begins to trust Davis, who explains that these special children might be the next step in human evolution. He's a member of an underground organization who protects these children and studies them, and so he helps the Scott's out when Jody gives birth to what proves to be what Davis warned them about. But there's also another organization who wants to rid the world of these monster babies, which all leads to a horrific confrontation.
I wanted to say that this is an old cool horror flick that is worth checking out, but instead I'll have to go with that this is an old shitty flick that it's recommended to stay as far away from as possible. I remember seeing this movie, and the first, way long ago when I was still a young lad with a bright future ahead of me, but since I didn't really remember anything about it from back then, I decided to take a look at it again. Big mistake folks. Well, a few things in it were a tiny bit hilarious, but overall it was a really bad flick, way too drawn out, and not nearly enough horror to satisfy on any level whatsoever.
Since it's a sequel as well, it tends to repeat itself a bit, and borrow too many ideas from the first flick, instead of coming up with new ones. But since that is the basic formula for sequels, I don't wanna complain too much about it. The basic idea is not really bad, but the way it was executed is just too bad. It felt like it took forever before anything remotely interesting happened, and when something actually did happen, it proved not to be worth the wait.
 Biggest problem with It Lives Again is that it's just so predictable it's ridiculous. That on the other hand would've been totally ok if it would've had some decent scares, gore or whatever to it, but unfortunately there are not to many of these things to be found. Although, I have to admit that the babies looks pretty nasty, and I wish that they would've been given more screen time, because it was just not enough. It takes what feels like forever before you even get to see one of the small mutants, and then when you actually get to see them attack someone, the violence is too toned down.
The character development is non-existant, but with a movie like this, I guess you're not really looking for strong and well developed characters. What you look for is some cheesy horror, some blood, some gore, and some entertainment of course. It fails pretty much with being entertaining because it's just too slow. I have nothing against slow movies, but slow movies has to be interesting, and this is so not interesting. I mean, you don't really care about the characters, or the story, since it's not that kind of movie. This is just a movie you expect to be a whole lot of fun, and you just wanna see blood, mutant babies and a helluva lot of cheese. Basically, I think it's just too serious, it should've been more in the same vein as movies like Basket Case, Frankenhooker or whatever, cheesy and fun, but still nasty and gory if you know what I mean.
It Lives Again provides a tiny bit entertainment, but is basically just too slow, drawn out and lacks the horror, gore and cheese it should of had. To its defence, I have to say that it looks all right, and the acting could of course have been better, but it's still definitely decent. It Lives Again is just not worth the time though.
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DIRECTOR: Larry Cohen
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Frederic Forrest, Kathleen Lloyd, John P. Ryan
RUNTIME: 91 min
RATING: 2/10
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