It's about the urban legend of Bloody Mary that goes like if you say her name in the mirror three times in a row, she will appear before you. So this stupid high school girl of course does that and lets evil lose.
So this is the third movie in the Urban Legends series and let's hope it's the last. First one was watchable but at that time you had Scream too which was somewhat better. Then the second movie came which was really good and super scary with terrific actors and everything. No I'm just kidding, the second movie was crap to say the least, a horrible horrible movie. And now here's the third one which is slightly better then the second one.
I actually had some hope up for this movie since it's directed by one Mary Lambert who gave us Pet Sematary, a movie that scared the hell out of me when I was a whole lot younger. But that was then and this is now.
Bloody Mary's good to a certain extent but in the end nothing special and with a lousy cgi ending that kinda ruins everything.
Cool thing is that we actually get a back story to who Bloody Mary is and what happened to her and how she became who she's now. This is actually both a positive and a negative thing since while it's cool to get the back story, we actually get to know Mary too well to be scared of her for the rest of the movie. All you can really do is feel sorry for her. So in one way this kinda ruins the movie but in another way it's also a good thing if you know what I'm saying.
The movie has little gore to offer but some pretty cool effects. It's a lot like your typical teen horror movie and while it's somewhat entertaining on some levels it's not scary at all and that's not a good thing.
Watchable, but don't feel like you have missed out if you don't get to see it.
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DIRECTOR: Mary Lambert
WRITING CREDITS: Michael Dougherty, Dan Harris
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Kate Mara, Robert Vito, Lillith Fields
RUNTIME: 93 min
RATING: 5/10
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary Website/IMDB Click here
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary Trailer Click here