A young mother, whose husband was recently killed in the line of duty, one day comes across a 'wishing stone' in a mysterious antique shop. She can't resist the stone, but when she wish for to see her husband one last time, her wish also releases Rumpelstiltskin who has been trapped inside the stone for over 500 years. Rumpelstiltskin will stop at nothing to steal her infant son's soul and armed with just the fairy tale legend, the mother must fight to defend what she holds most dear.
Here's an old (only ten years, but still) classic from Director Mark Jones (Leprechaun, producer of Leprechaun 2 and writer of all the Leprechaun movies) which is called Rumpelstiltskin, based on the fairy tale. Even though the film was made in the mid 90's, it has the feeling of a cheesy horror film from the good old 80's, and that is one of the reasons for why I consider this to be a pretty cool flick. It's of course somewhat similar to Leprechaun with both movies dealing with characters from fairy tales, with those characters being evil as well, but I think Rumpelstiltskin is slightly better than those Leprechaun movies, with the first one being watchable and the others being close to crap. I've actually only seen the first three of those movies, but to protect myself from getting brain damage, I've stayed away from the rest, Leprechaun in Space/in the Hood or whatever they're called.
First off, this is not a movie to take seriously, and while I'm sure most people know that, it's still good advise for those who don't. With that said, if you take Rumpelstiltskin for the kind of fun and cheesy horror it really is, it's actually a pretty good ride. Now, Rumpelstiltskin is an ancient being who all of a sudden happens to find himself in modern day Los Angeles with all what that means. It's far from being hilarious but it sure has some comical situations to offer, and many of them due to him not being use to the modern day of age and how things work. He learns though, and will stop at nothing to get the mother's little baby.
Now, the plot might be a bit weak and the fact that Rumpelstiltskin delivers a few too many one-liners that doesn't really work doesn't really help the situation either. Like I said before, it's not a serious movie and you really need to take it for what it is, and that is one cheesy horror flick. But if you're in the right mood, and don't feel like anything too heavy, Rumpelstiltskin is a pretty good pick. It delivers what it is supposed to deliver, and that is a fun and horrific 91 minutes of cheese, and when looking at it like that, it gets the job done.
Ok, so Rumpelstiltskin will most likely annoy you, but at the same time it will also amuse you if you're in the right mood for this type of film. It's a movie that is easy to criticize, but just leave all the seriousness aside and take it for what it is, and I'm pretty sure it will be worth it. It might be stupid at times, but it has a bunch of really good scenes that are well worth watching it for. And compared to all kinds of crap made these days, this movie ain't half bad.
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DIRECTOR: Mark Jones
WRITING CREDITS: Mark Jones, Joe Ruby
GENRE: Horror, Fantasy
CAST: Max Grodénchik, Kim Johnston Ulrich, Allyce Beasley
RUNTIME: 91 min
RATING: 6/10
Rumpelstiltskin Website/IMDB Click here
Rumpelstiltskin Trailer Click here