After a guy dies a horrible death, some friends of his find themselves in possession of a videogame called Stay Alive that deals with Countess Elisabeth Bathory. They start playing the game together and when one of the friends die in the game, he soon after dies for real, the same way as he died in the game. The group of friends later realize that if they die in the game, they will die in real life too, so they stop playing the game. But to stop playing the game wasn't very effective since the game continues to play by itself. Will they find a way to defeat the Countess and be able to stay alive?
I've been playing videogames all my life, and I've been watching horror movies all my life as well, so one would think that combining videogames with horror would make a good flick. Wrong!! Well, it did work with Brainscan, but this piece of film comes off looking really ridiculous. I think that if I would've seen this movie when I was 12 or something, I would've been somewhat impressed. But watching it now just gave me a major headache and a great feeling of embarrassment.
What we have here is yet another braindead 'horror' flick for a clueless teen audience. PG-13 ratings always sucks, and even so here. If there would of been some nice gore and stuff, it could've improved it a lot, but unfortunately there's nothing. The Countess gets a nail through her forehead towards the end but it look more pathetic and shitty than anywhere near scary or gory. But the most stupid thing with Stay Alive must have been the utterly stupid story, it's just so unbelievable and poor. And when talking about poor, it makes a good description for the acting as well.
So this nerd plays Stay Alive, dies in the game and then dies for real. His friends get hold of the game and tries it out, only to later become aware of that the game is pure evil, and if you die in the game, you'll die for real too. Just the way they figured out what was going on just came out looking really stupid, and I could feel my fingers reaching for the stop button on the remote. But I kept watching in hope that the movie would might have one or two good scares to offer. Sorry to say, it so didn't.
When the group figured out what was going on, they later tried to come up with a way to stop the Blood Countess from killing them. Like for instance, one guy kept playing the game and opened doors in it etc, that also opened for real when his friends tried to get into a house. The guy also layed out some crowbar in the game, that another guy picked up in real life. Fucking ridiculous. To be honest, I felt pretty ashamed when I watched this for the fact that everything in this movie was so utterly stupid. A lot of things are bad but the worst thing might've been the dialogue. I said it was the story before but when thinking about it, the dialogue was truly horrible. I don't even wanna go there, so let's just say it's dumb. Well, really really dumb.
The actual Stay Alive game in the movie doesn't really look bad, although I would never buy it. In the beginning it felt like the movie had some potential but it started to suck real quick, and continued to suck a lot all the way through. The overall movie felt really annoying, I don't know if it was the actual actors, or the dialogue. Probably the two of them combined. One of the guys in the group was Frankie Muniz who you might recognize from such shit as "Malcolm in the Middle". And when he first appeared on the screen in the movie, I was sure I was in for some truly shitty teen torture. He of course sucked the most, but the other actors were really crappy as well. Totally unbelievable and totally unlikeable, and that goes for all of them.
Once again I wasted time on a super shitty flick, so thanks a lot. Recommended for 10 year old retards, or for people that have absolutely no idea what defines a good quality movie. Avoid.
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DIRECTOR: William Brent Bell
WRITING CREDITS: William Brent Bell, Matthew Peterman
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Jon Foster, Samaire Armstrong, Frankie Muniz
RUNTIME: 85 min
RATING: 2/10
Stay Alive Website/IMDB Click here
Stay Alive Trailer Click here