Norwegians in hellacopter is chasing a dog over the frozen land of the Antarctic and is shooting at it but ends up crashing without leaving any clues for why they were after the dog. A scientific expedition that has their base in the Antarctic sees the chase and of course wonders what was going on. Later on the same night the dog mutates and start to attack the other of the teams dogs and the team starts to investigate and finds out that an alien life-form is on the loose and that it can take over bodies of both humans and animals. Trapped in the cold Antarctic the team fight for their own survival and against the paranoia about who has already been taken over by the alien and who of the team members that can be trusted.
For many out there considered to be Carpenter's best accomplishment, for me even if it's not the very best it's still among his best. The Thing is a very entertaining horror film with a lot of suspense moments and is also a very action-packed one.
The Thing is quite faced paced from beginning to end, or at least it really takes off once they discover that there are an alien life-form, a thing, among them.
The movie deals a lot with the subject of paranoia since they don't know who and who's not infected by the thing and it spreads fear among the team members. Also that the movie takes place is the cold snow-drowned Antarctic adds a lot of atmosphere to the movie itself.
All the actors do a fine job and Kurt Russell is great as MacReady, the leader of the team, and his character is kinda similar to Snake from Escape from New York etc. If you're looking for a fast paced action-packed suspense movie this one is truly recommended.
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DIRECTOR: John Carpenter
WRITING CREDITS: John W. Campbell Jr, Bill Lancaster
GENRE: Horror, Sci-Fi. Thriller, Action
CAST: Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, David Clennon
RUNTIME: 109 min
RATING: 8/10
Thing, The Website/IMDB Click here
Thing, The Trailer Click here