Set in the future, due to a biological warfare research gone wrong a genetically-engineered virus turned humans into something called Hemophages, similar to vampires. They are no longer part of the human society and the humans are out to destroy the diseased population. The human government wants to see a nine year old boy named Six dead since they believe he's a threat to humans. Violet, a female Hemophage who's mission first was to find and deliver a secret weapon, discover that the actual weapon is the boy and that the people's real intentions is to kill him. Soon she finds herself protecting him as the boy carries within him a rare cure which could heal all the Hemophages.
Wow dude, Ultraviolet climbed right into the top-ten shit-list of the worst movies I've seen in my entire life, and believe me, I've seen A LOT of shitty flicks. This one is not just bad, it's horrible to say the least and have absolutely not one single positive thing worth mentioning. I never expected it to be a good movie to begin with, but I would've never imagined it to be as crappy as it turned out to be. This is truly a horrible movie, and everyone involved in the making of it should take a moment and think about what they've done.
I've never read the comic so I have no idea how true it stays to that, but the comic can't possibly be this bad. And what is it with Milla Jovovich and these type of flicks? She stared in Resident Evil which was a crappy flick, I know some people out there like it, but after playing those games like hell for years, I can't possibly like what they did with the actual movie. Then you have the sequel which was even worse and now Ultraviolet that is somewhat similar, with a female heroine, a lot of action and a whole lot of crap.
The intro was cool where they showed some comic book art and it gave you a positive feeling. But a minute after the movie had started, that positive feeling was nowhere to be found. Personally I'm not a big fan of computer generated digital effects, a little works in some movies, but in a lot of movies the have definitely overdone it. Ultraviolet is like a big ball of computer generated effects, and in that ball you have Milla Jovovich running around blasting people to left and right with her stupid CGI guns.
One thing this movie manages to be is fast-paced and it delivers almost non-stop action. But the pacing doesn't really matter since the story's shit and the action scenes might be stylish but fail miserably to impress. Within the first half hour or so, there are an enormous amount of action sequences, one after another but they are all so boring and looks absolutely ridiculous.
Biggest problem is that Violet can't be beaten, and throughout the whole movie we get to see her fight against tons of soldiers etc, and is never even close of getting hurt. It's like playing a shitty videogame where the difficult level is set to super easy, and you can play it while drinking coffee and talking on the phone at the same time because it's just too easy. This is what this movie looks like, you know that no one stand a chance against her no matter how many guards or whatever are sent in to off her, and that also takes the little suspense that could've been there away.
So Violet finds this kid who looks like a retard and acts like one too, and can't let some people go ahead and kill the boy so she rescues him and have to flee while constantly being chased. One other really shitty thing that this movie has (yes, it only has shitty things to it) is that once in a while we get a emotional scene with Violet and the boy and suddenly you're supposed to feel something for these people and care what's going on. Only thing I felt during these scenes were irritation, and I didn't know whether to turn the movie off or hit something or what to do. So I stuck with it all the way and honestly, I'm really sorry that I did.
The story is nonsense, the acting is crap, the big bad boss had something up his nose the whole flick and looked like a real idiot. Milla Jovovich is supposed to look sexy and while she might be pretty, it's still a big turn-off watching her in a movie like this. I guess this is a movie for all ages because we don't get to see anything during the fights. I mean she cuts people with swords and shoot a hell of a lot of people but blood is nowhere to be found. I don't know how big the difference would be if watched the unrated version, but it doesn't matter because I would rather get hit by a bus than having to watch this movie again.
Ultraviolet represent everything that is bad. Some of the over-used effects look ok but some of them look like crap as well. The comic book feel is long lost and the action scenes are many but completely lame. And it's not even so bad so it's funny to watch, it's just plain horrible.
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DIRECTOR: Kurt Wimmer
GENRE: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
CAST: Milla Jovovich, Cameron Bright, Nick Chinlund
RUNTIME: 88 min
RATING: 1/10
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Ultraviolet Trailer Click here