Evan (Kutcher) grows up in a small town and suffers from memory blackouts and wakes up here and there and doesn't remember squat of how he got there or what happened. He starts to keep a journal of what he's doing that he can look back on and that's supposed to help him remember things. Also, all these blackouts always seems to occur when something bad happens. He grows up and start to have less of these blackouts and after some time he seems to have recovered completely, until one day in college when he starts reading his journal from when he was a kid and discovers that he can travel back to the body of his former self and fix his past. But the more he goes back and changes the past, the more the future changes and it seems always to the worse.
Ok let me just start off by saying that this is a great movie, something I would never have thought when first just hearing about it.
Thing that put me right off when I first heard about The Butterfly Effect was that Ashton Kutcher was gonna star. Considering the fact of what you have seen him in before like That 70's Show, Dude, Where's My Car?, some crappy MTV show among other things.
Chances that he would be good in a psychological thriller felt kinda small. But to my big surprise, he actually turned out to be perfect for the part and managed to do a great job.
 This is more of a "psycho thriller" than just a normal thriller and even if it's not that scary it will still keep you on the edge of your seat at times. The suspense is great, carried by a really well-written story that's brilliantly delivered.
There's not a dull moment in the movie and the suspense is there all the time, it's fast paced and will definitely keep you interested the movie throughout. It's a very effective thriller and the whole movie has an intense feeling to it from start to end.
I came really close to not seeing this flick since it starred Ashton Kutcher and since you consider him to be goofy and only suited to do comical series and movies, if even that. But don't diss it just because he's in it as he really pulls it off here and proves that he can actually be a serious and belivable actor.
The variation is very good as we get to seem him as a kid and then it jumps to when he's grown up and from there it jumps back and forth to alternative realities without it ever getting too much of a mess and hard to keep track of what's going on. Something's always going on and that'll keep your interest up and will make you wanna keep watching. Also, it has a very gripping story that gets you involved.
I saw it when it first came out and after that I've seen it a few times and I consider this to be one among the best movies that came out in 2004. I can't give it the highest rating but it's close enough. If you haven't had the chance to see it yet, then it's about time you do.
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DIRECTOR: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber
WRITING CREDITS: J. Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress
GENRE: Thriller, Sci-Fi, Drama
CAST: Ashton Kutcher, Melora Walters, Amy Smart
RUNTIME: 113 min
RATING: 9/10
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Butterfly Effect, The Trailer Click here