A big bunch of aliens came to earth, but since most of them didn't want to kill innocent humans to be able to stay alive, most of them also left except for a hundred of them that cared more about their own survival rather than the survival of the human race. A convicted serial killer is sent out on the streets to rid the world of these aliens that can do so-called body jumping, meaning that when their human bodies are almost worn-out, they transfer into another body and so claims a new victim. Will the serial killer be able to kill them all before they completely take over?
First off I must say that I read some rather negative reviews about Disturbance and figured that I would have to sit through a movie that supposably would not be that great. Now, I don't know if it had to do with those low kind of expectations I had or what it was, but to my surprise I found Disturbance to be quite an entertaining film. That is at least almost all the way through, while the first half of the movie was rather excellent, mid-way through it started to drag just a little and I must say that the last 15 minutes or so could've been better. But overall I was quite surprised with how good most of it was and even though it didn't work to a hundred percent all the way through, at least it was far from a waste of time.
As far as I know, the film only took 12 days to shoot and I must say that for such little time, Vallelonga and c/o did one helluva job. Even though the film was made on a low-budget it still managed to look quite slick and was nicely shot, so visually there's no reason to complain. Alien's invade earth, how can you not like that? But there were no spaceships to be found and the aliens, well, they look like your normal human beings - only thing that really separates them is that they seem to be really strong and that they're filled with some green kind of goo which they spew up when terminated. And obviously, we get to see a lot of that happening.
 The film kicks off right from the starts and delivers action, suspense and an interesting story that was really easy to get into. Paul Sloan who plays our hero, a serial killer named Hud, does one bang-up job and is very likable and easy to root for. He's definitely the highlight of the film, and in the end I believe that if it wouldn't have been for him, the movie wouldn't have been half as good. With that said, the guy obviously stood out quite a bit, but at the same time I had no problems with the rest of the cast and I think they all did a decent job. There are a bunch of fights in the movie, and if I'm going to complain a little I would have to say that some of these fights could've been a bit better choreographed as sometimes when someone hit someone else, it just doesn't look realistic enough. It's a minor complaint though and while it's not the end of the world, some of the fights were a bit irritating to watch due to that.
The biggest problem with Disturbance is what I said before about the first 45 minutes or so being very exciting and explosive, but the fact is that after that it slows down, maybe a bit too much. It's not all bad because early on it's all about the action to later slow down and dive deeper into the story, and while I liked that, the problem though is that after that it never got back into full-on speed again and instead of ending in a really cool way, it tires you towards the end and then lets go. Most movies work the other way around, that is slowly building up and towards the end deliver most of the action. The way Disturbance worked was definitely not all bad and while the first half of the movie somewhat made me forgive the second half, it could've had some more go in it towards the end. Still though, it's worth checking out.
For a film made on a very small budget, Disturbance both looked and played out pretty well. Paul Sloan playing the serial killer did a helluva lot in the movie and made it interesting and easy to get into. The first half of the movie had me pretty much glued to my chair (well, except for that I usually lay down in a sofa) and had a lot of interesting sci-fi and action scenes to offer. After about two thirds of the movie, it got a bit too preachy but overall it's almost forgivable and is no reason not to check it out.
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DIRECTOR: Nick Vallelonga
WRITING CREDITS: Nick Vallelonga
GENRE: Horror, Action, Sci-Fi
CAST: Paul Sloan, Colleen Porch, Anthony John Denison
RUNTIME: 93 min
RATING: 6/10
Disturbance Website/IMDB Click here
Disturbance Trailer Click here