Some Candy Stripers in a small town in US are taken over by aliens. They are addicted to everything sweet and males as well, but not in a good way. Some member from a basketball team are sent to the hospital when they have an accident, and it's the same hospital where the Candy Stripers are devouring their victims. Will they be able to stop them?
Christ! During Candy Stripers whole running time, I found myself to be more concerned whether or not I should turn the movie off than I was being focused on the actual movie. I never expected it to be good, but would've never thought it could be as horrible as it turned out to be. Exactly everything is complete crap here. From the 'actors' to the effects, to the camera-work, to the score. It's a neverending list of shitty things.
Usually when I get these types of movies, I know they're gonna suck but somehow I still always convince myself that they might have something good to them as well. I'm so sick of all these stupid retarded teen horror flicks that has nothing the least bit interesting to them, they are painful to watch and it's just such a waste of time. The teens in this movie suck so hard you won't believe it till you see it. Usually I have a real problem with all these stereotypical teens that we so often have to sit and watch when it comes to these types of movies, but these teens are the worst.
Just from the start when this movie began, I got such a bad feeling and it only got worse the longer I kept watching this shitfest. Halfway through I felt nauseous and when the movie was over I felt like I just got hit hard over the head. Actually I would rather get hit hard over the head than having to sit through this horrible horrible piece of film all over again. It's just not worth it, and torture is a too nice word to describe it with.
Ok, I've complained enough so I'm gonna tell you what it's about and then I'm gonna complain a lot more (I have to get it out of my system). Aliens takes over the bodys and minds of Candy Stripers working at a hospital somewhere in the US. They are addicted to sweet things like sugar, cakes and whatever and they also seem addicted to men, but not in a good way. A bunch of jocks gets hurt during a basketball game and end up at the same hospital where the Candy Stripers are working at. They soon figure out that something is wrong and it all makes for a really horribly bad movie that should've never had seen the light of day.
Apparently some of the Candy Stripe nurses are playmates, but who cares? It's not like it makes the movie any better, and they can't act for shit, so it doesn't really matter if they look hot since they suck so much. But I prefer watching them over the team of retarded jocks and some stupid teen girls that are in this movie as well. I can't come up with a word that would do them justice, but to say that they are bad actors and that they suck is way to nice. Just hearing these guys talk, and seeing the way they act just makes you wanna vomit your brains out. Yes, it's that bad. I don't care if they are jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, stoners or whatever, all these categories suck...hard, and it's wearing you out having to watch to much of crap like that.
Gore? Yes some, and it's actually not that bad (not saying that it's good either), but since the movie is so tremendously horrible it's definitely not worth it. It's low-budget and even though it shows at times, it doesn't look that bad. But the story is so lame and reminded me of another shitflick called Decoys, which it actually seems like they have ripped off a bit. Now, Decoys was not good, but it was way better than this one. Well, I remember that I hated that stupid movie too when I watched it but this one is worse. It's just so horrible that Kate Robbins who directed and wrote it should never be allowed to make movies again. You've proven that you can't even make a lousy movie, so find another job. I think that if you can manage to create a movie as bad as this, there must be something seriously wrong with you.
The biggest thing this movie is lacking, except for good actors, a decent story and a lot of other things, is that there's no humour to be found in Candy Stripers at all. It plays out like sort of a horror comedy, but it truly lacks humour, actually there are none nowhere to be found. If they would have added some humour to it, it might could've worked. But now since there's no humour, you're supposed to take it more seriously, something that does so not work. That was a huge mistake, because some humour could've made the story seem better, the acting look less crappy and could probably have improved a lot of things. Too bad.
I can't believe that I sat through the whole shitfest that this movie was. I feel sick and I think it may have slightly damaged my brain as well. You want some good advice? Don't watch it. I hope I'll never have to sit through anything like this again.
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DIRECTOR: Kate Robbins
WRITING CREDITS: Kate Robbins, Jill Garson
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Scott Aaronson, Sarah Ball, Pearl Anne Lopez
RUNTIME: 89 min
RATING: 1/10
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