Five semi-crappy stories are thrown together in a big mess accompanied by some poor animation. They are all connected and this film should never have been made.
So you're a fan of the Creepshow series that Stephen King and George Romero started? Cool, me too. But I can tell you this though, that if you like the original and the very cool sequel then stick to those two, avoid this one and remember Creepshow as being something good, because this one sure brings the name down, a lot! We're introduced to some shitty animation to start with which kinda makes you wonder if you inserted the right disc in the DVD-player. Well, you did and it blows right away. Remember all the cool comic book stuff in the previous two films? I loved that, but it's all gone this time around. So there you go, the film pisses you off right from the start and when we dive into the five stories that Creepshow 3 has to offer, well, things only keeps getting worse.
The first story is called "Alice" and I'm sure I've read pretty much the same story in some old Donald Duck comic book when I was a kid (obviously without the gore.) Anyway, Alice seems like the kinda girl who likes to complain a lot, and she keeps doing that until she gets home where her father is playing with a universal remote that some weirdo professor down the street of surburbia has given him. He hits a button which makes the girl's family change from white to black, and then from black to Spanish. She gets to hear the same conversation that family members are having a few times around and every time someone pushes a button on the remote, the girl mutates into what the professor down the street says is her true form. This little entry was really short and thank God for that.
Next out is "The Radio" where a guy buys a radio from some bum on the street and later finds out that the radio can talk. The radio is gonna show him how to make cash and be successful and makes him do things. Even though it was far from good, at least the episode was somewhat decent, problem though is that it was a little too long, not to mention a little too predictable. At least the lead character was not as irritating as "Alice" was, but what I found to be somewhat irritating was that the guy who plays the detective in this short was the same guy who played the father in the previous entry which made things look a bit bad, couldn't someone else have stepped in to fill that part? I later found out that this with the actors stepping in here and there happened all the way through in the movie. In the end this short was actually fairly enjoyable, but just as forgettable.
 "Rachel the Call Girl" is a girl you don't want to call, she might look nice (and muscular), but she's quite deadly. This pretty young lady is someone you'd call for a "good time" but she seems to hold a grudge towards horny boys and so she kills them. So this guy calls her and when she arrives at his place he says his parents are out of town, but the camera let us see that some dead bodies are hanging in the next room which leads us to think that this guy might be deadly too. And yes, he is. This one was not all bad but still not anywhere near good enough either. The problem with all the episodes are that even though they are short, they just felt way too long. You can expect some gore here, but don't expect too much.
Moving on to the fourth, called "Professorís Daytonís Wife", that is maybe the worst entry that Creepshow 3 has to show for. This old geezer, the professor from earlier shorts, is going to get married and has invited two of his former students over to meet his bride-to-be. The girl is way too young for the old sleazebag and she acts like a robot and can't seem to stop giggling which is so God damn irritating. Luckily these two boys figures that their former teacher has built her and wants to play a prank on him by taking her apart. Needless to say, it turns out she was a real human being. If you gonna watch this one put a bucket infront of you and get ready to do some serious vomiting. Yeah, it's that bad.
Finally we're getting to the end here and its in the form called "The Haunted Dog"; Dr. Farwell has to work in a free clinic for 30 days to prove that he cares about humanity. When buying a hot dog from a street vendor, the good doctor accidentally drops it on the ground and since he don't want to eat it after that, he gives it to a homeless man who dies in the street after he has taken the first bite. Then the hobo starts to haunt the doctor and it all turns stupid faster than in the blink of an eye.
Connecting all the stories was truly a bad idea that really makes no sense. You see one actor showing up in one episode and then later in the next.. what the hell? Also, the acting is at times so bad it's insane, and that this film has the very title that it has is truly a shame. While it didn't look like shit, all the ideas put into this films were and I can't really see how anyone could like this. I hope the people behind this awful mess never get to make another film.
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DIRECTOR: Ana Clavell, James Glenn Dudelson
WRITING CREDITS: Ana Clavell, James Glenn Dudelson
GENRE: Horror
CAST: AJ Bowen, Kris Allen, Stephanie Pettee
RUNTIME: 110 min
RATING: 2/10
Creepshow 3 Website/IMDB Click here
Creepshow 3 Trailer Click here