Anne, a mountain bike obsessed girl, has a one-night-stand with some jerk who later wants to see her dead. Was she really that bad?
The German-made, English-language thriller Blood Trails won the Audience Award at last year's Dead By Dawn Horror Festival and it's extremely hard to see why. Half an hour into the film, I was so sick of it I wanted to explode. The story is boring and really offers nothing new, but is instead a tired slasher flick without any good slashing going on. I heard that Blood Trails were supposed to be a mix between Wolf Creek and High Tension and I was kinda excited to get to see it, but man, am I glad the film's finally over. While I thought nothing much of Wolf Creek, it would still beat the hell outta this flick any day of the week, and High Tension was a great movie so just comparing that film to this one is way wrong.
Basically it goes something like this: Anne has had a one-night-stand with some random guy who for some reason is very angry with her. Was she bad in bed? Didn't she make him breakfast the following morning? I don't know and I couldn't care less, they both suck and so does this flick. She heads up to the mountains with her boyfriend to do some serious mountain biking, but someone's stalking her and guess who? Yeah, it's the one-night-stand guy and he won't leave her alone. So he proceeds with killing Anne's boyfriend and then he kills everyone else up there that she tries to talk to as well. The main problem here is that we know who Anne's stalker is from the beginning so there's no mystery whatsoever to who it could be that follows her around the big forest and kills people to left and right. That would've been fine if the film would've had some really clever twist to it in the end, but it doesn't and you find out that watching this film was truly a waste of time.
 When it comes to movies like this, it's good to have some character to root for, be it the evil villain or the helpless girl being chased by the psychotic killer. In Blood Trails though you have no one to root for at all and that just makes it even more difficult to sit through. Anne's stalker is some boring normal-looking guy in a wetsuit or if it's a dress you wear when biking around, I don't know but it's not important anyway. Anne herself is a very irritating young lady who is impossible to feel any sympathy for whatsoever. The gore is nothing you haven't seen a hundred times before and the suspense (something that a movie like this can not do without) is absolutely nowhere to be found. The acting is not bad, but it does not make you go whoa! either, and there's no character development to talk about. The actors do their job, but since Blood Trails has nothing to stand on to begin with, it doesn't really matter if the acting would've been supreme.. it would still blow and it sure did.
Not that I expected Blood Trails to be a great flick to begin with, but I would never have thought it would turn out to be so darn bad. Blood Trails may try hard, but in the end it's just too slow and way too predictable. There's really nothing rewarding here and if I were you, I wouldn't waste my time watching this mess.. there are some way better genre films out there for sure.
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DIRECTOR: Robert Krause
WRITING CREDITS: Robert Krause, Florian Puchert
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Rebecca R. Palmer, Ben Price, Tom Frederic
COUNTRY: Germany
RUNTIME: 87 min
RATING: 2/10
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Blood Trails Trailer Click here