A tortured killer is hunting coeds in a college campus for body parts to create a human puzzle. Who is he? What has sparked this sick obsession? Will the killings ever end?
For many years I looked for PIECES after hearing how bloody and gory it was and it was many years later that I actually came across it and finally had a chance to see how awesome this movie really truly is, and boy is it!
Now on the down side of this movie I do have to say that a student's bad attempt to skateboard on a banana board into a huge mirror turned out to be a sweet concept, there should have been some blood, but hey, that's only the intro to the credits right?
This movie starts out with a deranged little boy putting a puzzle together of a nude model as his mother walks in and discovers him doing so. She freaks out and starts tearing his room apart as he goes and gets the ax which he uses to hack his mother up. Almost instantaniously the police show up and break in to find blood EVERYWHERE, the mother's head sitting alone on a dresser in one of the closets, and the destraught son. The cops don't catch onto the boy so they send him to live with an Aunt and that's that.
Forward 40 years later at a college in Boston as young supple small chested hottie college girls keep getting mysteriously hacked up by an unknown killer, and the only known suspect being the yard guy Willard, played by the great Paul L. Smith who was Bludo in the old Popeye Movie with Robbin Williams and Falkon in Red Sonja, who proves innocent less the fact of his obsession with his huge yellow chainsaw, the police are perplexed. So what do they do? They hire an agent by the name of Mary Riggs, played by TV star Lynda Day George, to pose as a tennis coach, a very bad playing tennis coach, to try to get on the inside to help find the killer. Stupid idea. Ends up a young student Kendall gets a crush on her and never leaves her side during the whole "investigation". Anyways, to make a long story short they do find the killer, and if you pay CLOSE attention to a couple of the scenes AFTER the murders, you'll be able to catch who it is.
 For the fact that you can pretty easily tell who the killer is I think it's a shame, but the movie makes up for that with the fact that the kill scenes are some of the bloodiest most gruesome kill scenes in American horror history. Girls getting cut in half while they are still alive, decapitated and even a girl that gets her arms cut off in an elevator after thinking she was in the elevator with someone she could trust make this movie a definate fun jaunt into the chainsaw murderer's world.
On the other hand there's one scene, one scene in this movie that totally threw me off. It's a scene where Mary is walking around campus at dark "investigating" when a strange Asian man pops out of the bushes and starts doing these kung fu kicks at her like Bruce Lee, then suddenly hits the floor. Out of nowhere Kendall comes up on his motorcycle and claims the Asian guy is his Kung-Fu Instructor. The man gets up off the floor and says "I was out jogging, next thing I know I'm on ground. Must have been some bad chop-suey, So Long!"......... I mean...... What the HELL was that about? Regardless, it put a humerous addition to the movie which might or might not be appreciated.
In all this movie had some of the sickest corpses, hacked up bodies and bloody naked torsos, this movie was great. I'd definately recommend it to avid horror movie watchers. It's a great watch. But be warned, this movie can either be addicting or appalling, either way give it a shot.
And also be warned, the ending is great but may make men cringe. Good luck!
This movie isn't hard to find, it's in quite a few multi movie sets, but definately give it a watch, if you like gore you'll love this flick!
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Mil gritos tiene la noche, One Thousand Cries Has the Night
DIRECTOR: Juan Piquer Simón
WRITING CREDITS: Joe D'Amato, Dick Randall
GENRE: Horror, Slasher
CAST: Christopher George, Lynda Day George, Edmund Purdom
COUNTRY: USA, Spain, Puerto Rico
RUNTIME: 89 min
RATING: 9/10
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Pieces Trailer Click here