A transport unit holding very valuable cargo, codenamed Planetfall, while on it's way to a military base, crashes mysteriously. A group of elite troups are sent to recover the cargo but crash as well, leaving only one survivor who has to try to find the cargo before two competing bountyhunters do.
First of all I want to start this review saying I'm not a Sci-Fi fan, well unless it has gore or horror in it, anyways I'm far from a sci-fi nerd so this movie was hard for me to watch so if you do like sci-fi you'll know where I stand.
Alright, this movie, personally, wasn't something I'd ever watch normally, to me it's like mixing Star Trek, Doctor Who, any spaghetti western you've ever seen and a bunch of kids playing Laser Tag. Take a bunch of Trekkie nerds, toss them in front of a camera and play Space Dorks or something. Everyone overacts and the CGI isn't all that great but abundant, the only powerful characters are women, which is ok with me but only one of them is worth checking out, which is strange seeing as I figured nerds would have more eye candy. Instead the only nudity in the movie is a naked dude's ass, ugh.
Alright so the hottie is a bounty hunter who can't act but looks good in her tight little outfit and matching samurai sword. The other is the cigar smoking, butch looking, immiture president's daughter. Toss in a couple telepaths that can't even levitate themselves and a bunch of geeks with lazers and your about there with this movie.
With a little more gore and nudity this movie might have been tolerable, but it reminds me of half the crap they show on the Sci-Fi Channels, you know the made-for-tv movies. Like I said the only reason this movie is on here is because it was sent to me, so don't dock me any points.
If I was a total dweeb I'd probably like this movie but seing as I'm a sick horror freak I don't suggest this to people like me. Go ahead pencil pushing dorks, have fun with this one yourself.
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DIRECTOR: Michael J. Heagle
WRITING CREDITS: Matt Saari, Michael J. Heagle
GENRE: Sci-Fi, Spaghetti Western
CAST: William S. Anstedt, Abigail Avila, Nathan Arnold
RUNTIME: 90 min
RATING: 4/10
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Planetfall Trailer Click here