When four medical students are to perform an autopsy on a dead woman, one of the students named Alison discover that something is not right with the corpse. It turns out that she's right and soon people starts dying around her, and she has to find out the background of the corpse and a way to stop it.
For those constantly watching horror flicks, once in a while you're bound to get a bit sick of all the new unimaginative re-creations of older flicks that are flooding the market, but then, thanfully, every now and then there are movies like Unrest that comes along and pretty much saves the day and restores your faith in what horror films are all about. While this flick may not scare the beejesus out of you it sure has pretty much everything a fan of horror could wish for and not only that but the level of reality is sometimes so high you're pretty much bound to feel the terror somewhere along the way. Just like the rest of the "8 Movies To Die For", Unrest is an indie movie and while I've heard some people say that it could've looked better, I must admit that I was perfectly all right with the way this movie looked. It is dark and visually I see no reason to complain at all, instead I feel that the look of the film delivers a way for one to get more into the movie and be scared of it rather than if it would've looked like a flashy music video or a major (too nice) production.
Lots of kudos of course goes to Jason Todd Ipson for having created something that manages to keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole time being, not many succeed in doing that. The tension is great and the suspense is always present, but the best thing is that Unrest is not always as predictable as it first appears to be and that is of course excellent. The development of the story and the development of the characters go hand in hand and not once did I feel that it lacked something or that some characters weren't belivable. When talking about the characters I have to say that ALL the actors in this movie did their job to a 110 percent with Corri English of course standing out a little more than the rest.
 The film follows a first year medical student named Alison Blanchard who on her first day of class is brought together with three other male students to dissect the cadaver of a dead woman. The body is covered in purple scars that apparently were self inflicted and when starting the dissection process, Alison passes out. When she wakes up, she has the feel that something is not right with the corpse and of course she's right. As people comes in contact with the corpse, named Norma, they all also meet a gruesome faith and as more people starts dying, Alison must find out a way to stop it all before she's dead too.
Dealing with anatomy, dissection, dead bodies in a morgue and all that of course delivers some tension alone, but it's the very realism of it all that makes it scary. What makes it feel more real than your average ghost flick is that it deals with medical students, and these people do actually deal with all these things in the movie in real life so of course it makes a lot of sense. It's also how the movie plays out as it never goes over-the-top with the gore or puts its faith in cheap scares, instead it builds tension from square one which just keeps adding up as we go. It's also quite gross and very detailed, and some stuff in it is bound to make you cringe.
Those with a weak stomach beware! Unrest is of course not all gore but it sure has its moments, and while I did love that I have to say that the very suspense and tension is what kept one interested in the film. Unrest takes its time but the fact is that there isn't a boring moment to be found within it as every scene is pretty much worth while. Highly recommended.
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DIRECTOR: Jason Todd Ipson
WRITING CREDITS: Chris Billett, Jason Todd Ipson
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Corri English, Scot Davis, Jay Jablonski
RUNTIME: 88 min
RATING: 9/10
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Unrest Trailer Click here