It's the Christmas season and Brooke decides to invite over a few guests for dinner. Little do her guests know there's an uninvited guest coming in posing as Brooke's boyfriend. Will her family and friends catch on to the impostor or will what they don't know hurt them?
Alright so this movie starts out in the bathroom of the girl that the story is based around, Brooke, and she's getting threatened with her life while sitting in her bathtub. A man is talking to her, degrading her and making her feel like dirt then tells her to close her eyes and as she does he grabs her by the hair and slams her head against the bathroom wall busting her head open and knocking her out.
Moments later we're at the gathering of Brooke's guests which consist of her jerk of a brother Roger, his gold digging fiance Gwen, Roger's ex-girlfriend Kate and Roger and Brooke's close friend Charles who has a huge thing for Brooke. So anyways they are all calling around trying to find Brooke then as they arrive to her place all hell breaks loose in the wonderful world of emotions. If I got it straight Roger is engaged to Gwen who only wants him for money he doesn't have, Kate used to date Roger and is jealous as hell of Gwen, Roger himself is just some dirtbag who needs anger management and Charles is just the guy that was seeing Brooke but was too scared to tell her brother Roger because they were good friends and he didn't want to get his ass kicked.
 So they end up going into Brooke's place to look for her and out of the blue comes this guy Marcus who no one has a clue who he is or what he's doing at Brooke's place without her being there. He assures the group that Brooke is on the way but she was in a minor fender bender so she got a friend to bring her back home, which of course they all believe so they wait around worried as hell.
Come to find out Marcus is this sicko psycho that's obsessed with Brooke, or so it seems, but later it starts to seem he's obsessed with Brooke's guests, who are all arguing and bickering and bitching at each other which makes him happy enough to take pictures of the arguing group. Anyways this psycho Marcus has Brooke tied up in her bathroom and goes in to talk to her from time to time just to fuck with her.
Basically the plot of the movie is the question of whether the guests will catch onto the fact that Marcus is a liar and a twisted meatwad of a man, which is a pretty cool plot but to me it needed a little more. Granted there was a very minor clothed sex scene before the terror kicked in but it just didn't do enough to make me too interested. The film itself was great, seemed pretty professionally filmed and the ending will make you wonder what the hell was going on in the first place, which I liked, but it still didn't interest me too much. I know fans of slower less intense movies would enjoy this but me personally, not really.
For me Marcus fell only a little short of what I would expect from a movie of its caliber but I do feel that people that are ok with the tamer killer movies would enjoy this. If you like slow half-thrillers go ahead and give this a shot, other than that, I leave the decision to the viewer.
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DIRECTOR: Bob Hardison, Rich Robinson
WRITING CREDITS: Bob Hardison, Rich Robinson
GENRE: Horror, Thriller
CAST: Ross Kurt, Frankie Ingrassia, Jade Dornfeld
RUNTIME: 76 min
RATING: 6/10
Marcus Website/IMDB Click here
Marcus Trailer Click here