The title, Chopper Chicks in Zombietown, actually explains the story and there not much else to it. A bunch of biker babes (I use the word babes really loosely here) rides in to a small town and start making a fuss. Then there are zombies locked up in a secure cave that has been accidentally let out and now the townsfolk and the biker chicks has to fight the zombies.
Is it so bad it's actually good? Well, with a title like that it kinda have to be, although this movie still kinda sucks. The other title, Cycle Sluts, is kinda funny as well. As you probably understand this is not a movie that takes itself too seriously. But then if it's actually fun or not is up to you to decide. Btw, it's from Troma.
Do you see who's on the cover? Yes it's a young Billy Bob Thornton here having his finest moment, or maybe not. Anyway, it's kinda fun to get to see him being part of a movie like this. I'm not being sarcastic here.
You don't watch a movie like this for the actual plot, you watch it for the gore, nudity and especially for the humour.
When it comes to gore we actually get a lot but it's a low-budget b-movie and it doesn't always look that good. It's kinda goofy though, I mean, what can you expect.
When it comes to nudity there's some but don't expect too much or better yet, don't expect anything really. And last we have the humour which is there but often way too dumb and not very clever nor funny. It's has some goofy moments though that are kinda fun but they are very few.
The acting's horrible but it's meant to be stupid so you can't go in watching it thinking that it's not. And if you wanna watch zombies, there are quite a few better movies to choose from. This is a movie that actually requires you to turn off your brain for you to be able to enjoy it.
If you're into over-the-top humor and just want a really goofy and silly movie then you might wanna give it a try. If you've seen a lot of Troma flicks before you might be able to handle it, but other than that it's recommended to stay away.
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DIRECTOR: Dan Hoskins
GENRE: Horror, Comedy
CAST: Billy Bob Thornton, Jamie Rose, Catherine Carlen
RUNTIME: 86 min
RATING: 3/10
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Chopper Chicks in Zombietown Trailer Click here