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Codex Atanicus
Codex Atanicus is a three story anthology by Spanish director Carlos Atanes. Before watching the movie I never heard of the guy, but the introduction video on the DVD by one of his regular actresses Arantxa Peņa made me realize that I'm in for a hell of a ride. Experimental, bizarre, sick, strange - these are some of the words that describe the stories contained in Codex Atanicus. The anthology is opened by a 20 minute short from 1995 called Metaminds & Metabodies. I am really not into this kind of experimental videos, but I will try to summarize. It opens with a girl singing in the club. Everything looks ultra underground and the girl is connected with some wires to the walls. Strange people are watching her...
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Movie Review: Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare

While I am not your resident fan of heavy metal music of the 80s, I am sure that once before I came across Jon Mikl Thor, blond hairy bodybuilder who in 1978 founded a band with a pretty non original name - "Thor". His music career was accompanied by efforts in professional body building, where he was the first guy to win both Mr. America and Mr. Canada titles. Besides music and body building he even had time to star in a couple of movies. In "Rock'n'Roll Nightmare" he plays John Triton, leader of a heavy metal group that visits a farm to record a new album. The farm has some history and we are introduced with an incident which happened 20 years ago where a family was killed by demon intervention.

Soon after arriving to the farm, members of the band start having sex with their girlfriends and in between they even have some time to play their new songs. I was eager to see something happening, because it was rather boring to see all those lengthy scenes with closeups on the farm with some wannabe eerie music. People, c'mon, give me something already...

Out of the sudden, in the middle of the movie, something actually starts happening. One of the girls goes wild, turns into a demon with a hefty rubbery makeup with extremely cheap plastic teeth. In a typical extra cheesy B horror moment, "rubber face" starts chewing the group manager's neck and things finally start to get dynamic. People that get attacked, also become demons, you know the usual...

Why are they turning into demons? We don't know but we get a goofy answer to this some ten minutes before the movie ends. The storyline is pretty simple - some boob shots, lots of sex, a bit of music and the "glorious" ending arrives.

Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare

Triton is in his room trying to write some lyrics for a new song. A light wind is making his blond metal hair float and his muscles just want to get out of his extra small stupid looking red shirt. Out of the sudden we don't have any more demons, but little Ghoulies-like creatures take their turn. Bad humor in combination with their cheapness really makes this a truly wonderful 80s horror moment. After they start attacking Triton (attacking = someone just throwing the puppets at him) his girlfriend enters the room and in the Vampirella way (remember the transformation from Vampirella to a bat?) changes to Lucifer himself.

Lucifer attacks Triton, but Triton unexpectedly confronts him and says that he is not just a plain metal singer - he is Intercessor, archangel that quickly transforms from a regular tough bloke into an even more heavy metal looking fighting powerhouse. The way they fight? They watch each other for a minute or two and then they wrestle with an occasional moment where Lucifer throws green sea stars?! Priceless...

Final Comments
This movie is a "spectacular" (pun intended) collection of lousy B horror effects, stupid story and a huge ego trip by our singer body builder Thor. While it is really a bad movie, the movie's 80s feeling will definitely be of interest to some die hard horror fans that enjoy the golden decade.


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Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare

DIRECTOR: John Fasano
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Clara Pater, Jesse D'Angelo, Chris Finkel
RUNTIME: 83 min

RATING: 3/10

Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare Website/IMDB Click here
Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare Trailer Click here

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