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Codex Atanicus
Codex Atanicus is a three story anthology by Spanish director Carlos Atanes. Before watching the movie I never heard of the guy, but the introduction video on the DVD by one of his regular actresses Arantxa Peņa made me realize that I'm in for a hell of a ride. Experimental, bizarre, sick, strange - these are some of the words that describe the stories contained in Codex Atanicus. The anthology is opened by a 20 minute short from 1995 called Metaminds & Metabodies. I am really not into this kind of experimental videos, but I will try to summarize. It opens with a girl singing in the club. Everything looks ultra underground and the girl is connected with some wires to the walls. Strange people are watching her...
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Movie Review: Bet, The

A woman is dragged back and forth between two rooms. The occupants of the rooms are two men placing a wager on which room the woman will die in.

Now looking at the cover for The Bet you'd think that it's something that it's totally not. I have to say I was quite intrigued by this short film that's a little shy of 20 minutes. It starts out with a bound woman drug into a hall as a door closes behind her. Suddenly the door of the opposing room opens up and a man pulls the bound woman into his room. It's kinda hard to say what happens in the room being that it's such a short film and I don't want to give anything away but needless to say I feelt this movie had a definate eerie vibe.

The Bet The Bet

Now I'm not one for short films but this one got me pretty well. I found it twisted and at the same time simple and effective. It kinda digs in a little into the psyche of the two men placing the bet and the woman that's drug between two rooms awaiting her fate.

Reading further about this short it's said that it's based on a dream his wife had back in the 80's. Pretty cool huh?

Anyways give it a watch, it's a trip.

Final Comments
Would be pointless to make it longer than 20 minutes seeing as it's just basically one scene but it got it's point across. I liked it.


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Bet, The

DIRECTOR: Michael Dunn
GENRE: Short, Thriller
CAST: Lou Diamond, Courtney Gardner-Stavros, Walt Turner
RUNTIME: 19 min

RATING: 7/10

Bet, The Website/IMDB Click here
Bet, The Trailer Click here

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