Kirby Sweetman is one day asked by a collector to track down a movie for him called 'Le Fin Absolue Du Monde'. But the movie in question is no ordinary film, instead this legendary movie has a rumour to it that when it was shown, it drew its audience to a homicidal frenzy. The closer Kirby gets to finding the film, he soon finds himself suffering from hallucinations and brutal acts of violence. He gets caught up in the finding of the film, and moreover, to actually get to see it for himself.
John Carpenter's addition to the Masters of Horror series is truly a good one. I like most of Carpenter's flicks, and while some may not be great, they're most often above decent. Cigarette Burns surprised me a little since it has more true horror in it than what there are to be found in many of Carpenter's other movies. I can't really say that it's an overall scary flick, but it has some pretty good scares in it, and moreover, a really interesting story that is easy to get caught up in, just like Kirby when looking for the film in question.
A movie that is meant to drive you insane, imagine that for a moment. It feels kinda obvious that you wanna see it, and when I was watching Cigarette Burns, I started thinking about that there are absolutely no movies like that out there for real, which is actually kinda sad. Of course there are snuff movies and other horrible creations, but they would just be gruesome to watch, and would not drive you insane. Well, maybe if you watched stuff like that every day for a long time, I'm not sure. Anyway, Cigarette Burns has a good story and a really cool idea behind it, plus that, the horror in it actually works.
 Another great thing about Cigarette Burns is that it really doesn't hold back, and that, we're always thankfull for. It's a bit disturbing at times, as well as it delivers a lot of tension. The further the movie goes, the more interested you become in what 'Le Fin Absolue Du Monde' really is all about, what it will look like, and if you actually will get to see the film in the film itself so to speak. You get to see some scenes from it, but unfortunately they didn't drive me the least bit insane, on the other hand, I wasn't expecting that either. It's more about the thought of 'Le Fin Absolue Du Monde' itself, that is supposed to scare you, since you don't know what it contains. Mystery is everything when it comes to horror, and when everything has been revealed, then what's left? Cigarette Burns has its fair share of mystery, and is definitely worth a look.
As far as I've heard, I know a lot of people consider Carpenter's film to be the best addition to the series so far. I thought it was pretty great, but I still think Jenifer was a better piece of film., but we all, luckily, have different kinds of taste. I would like to recommend Cigarette Burns though since it's a really good horror film, and Carpenter sure has outdone himself here.
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DIRECTOR: John Carpenter
WRITING CREDITS: Drew McWeeny, Scott Swan
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Udo Kier, Norman Reedus, Gwynyth Walsh
RUNTIME: 59 min
RATING: 8/10
Masters of Horror (S01E08): Cigarette Burns Website/IMDB Click here
Masters of Horror (S01E08): Cigarette Burns Trailer Click here