A couple is deserted at a hotel where the employees attack the guests and make snuff films to sell to anyone interested in a cheap thrill. With only themselves to help them escape the hunt is on to see if they will survive or be the next victims.
The movie starts out with David and Amy Fox driving down a deserted road when David, while half awake, nearly runs over a raccoon and swerves to miss it. Exhausted and realizing that they wonít find a main road any time soon the couple stop at the first gas station they come up to and run into a gas station attendant that checks out their engine to make sure the car is in running form and tells them how to get to the town they are heading to. So off they are again, back on the deserted road when suddenly the car breaks down, and hereís the dilemma. Should they stay with the car in hopes that someone, anyone on the deserted road will find them, or should David and Amy walk back to the gas station and shack up in the Hotel right next door? Well of course we know what they decide.
Now along the walk back to the gas station and hotel we hear the name Charlie, which we find is their dead son. Apparently Amy is having a hard time letting his memory die and she really seems to blame David for a lot.
 So they end up back at the gas station to find that no oneís there. Their only option, the motel next door, like I said before. So they get their room with standard cockroaches and chocolate water. So in mid conversation the phone rings and someone knocks on the door, so David goes to investigate and no oneís there. So he closes the door and again the phone rings and thereís a knocking at the door, but this time they realize itís from the room next door and not their front door. So David opens their side door, the door to the room next door still closed, rattling and banging away when Amy has enough and slams their door shut. Fed up Amy calls for the manager and David goes next door to kick some ass of the people that are slamming around on the door. No one answers so he walks up to the managerís office to complain only to find out that they are the only guests in the hotel and in reality no one is in the room next door. So David goes back to get a little rest and decides to turn on the tv but nothingís on. He notices a stack of VHS tapes on the VCR so he puts it in to find that they are snuff tapes and strangely enough, filmed in the same room they are in. Freaked out David notices a air vent and looks closer to find thereís a camera behind the vent. Suddenly the power starts flickering, the door starts shaking and banging and out pops a masked figure, then he disappears. The couple investigates and soon decide they need to make a run for their life to get to their car. Of course if they would have made it to their car the movie would almost be over right? Well luckily that doesnítí happen and they are confronted by the same masked figure who chases them back into the deadly motel room.
Faced with a life and death situation within the confines of a hotel room the couple fight to save their life and make sure they arenít in the next snuff film. Will they survive or will they be the next couple in line to fall prey to the masked figures that are filming their kills within the 4th room of the Pinewood Motel. Watch and see.
Now Kate Beckinsale did an excellent job, in my opinion, though to me she looked quite different than her days in the Underworld movies. As for Luke Wilson I personally donít really care for him much as an actor and he was a total asshole in this movie but he did alright himself. This movie, to me, seemed inspired by the Psycho and Halloween movies with a twist of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I donít mind it as much because they are all fairly exceptional movies but I find it has itís own flavor intertwined. Now they donít talk too much about Charlie and the story drags on forever, so donít expect this movie to be action packed.
The ending on the other hand... eh... could have been better. Iíd say this movie is ok to watch if your not expecting too much. For me it lacked a lot though I admit the masked characters were ALMOST a nice touch. For true fans Iíd say donít watch this movie because you'll be disappointed, for others you might like this, Iím on the fence myself.
Good to some, personally Iíd go on the other side saying it could have been a lot more than it was, it really mocked a lot of famous horror movies and I think thatís what it was striving to do, which Iím not really appreciative of. If you're bored with nothing else to watch in the house and you just so happened to come across this movie at your local video store, why the hell not, it won't hurt you, otherwise donít seek this one out.
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DIRECTOR: Nimrůd Antal
GENRE: Horror, Thriller
CAST: Luke Wilson, Kate Beckinsale, Frank Whaley
RUNTIME: 80 min
RATING: 5/10
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