The Military opens up a portal into another world and its inhabitants decide to break through into our world in a small town in Louisiana behind a big mist that covers the town and its unaware inhabitants that find refuge in a supermarket.
Now it's a well known fact that I'm not a huge fan of Stephen King inspired movies, that the books are ten times better and there's been very few instances that his books are shown on the silver screen in a way worthy of his talent, I'd say not since The Green Mile have I enjoyed a movie based on one of his stories. Yeah 1408 was good but it just didn't grasp me, until now. I have to say that The Mist is probably one of the best representations of a Stephen King book I've seen in a long time.
Let's get to the bulk of the story. A freak storm rolls into a small Louisiana town and puts the townsfolk in a panic when the storm knocks over trees and destroys property in it's aftermath. Our star David "Thomas Jane AKA The friggin┤ Punisher" takes his son Billy and jerk neighbour into town to get supplies to fix a busted out window in their house that a tree smashed through. While at the store a series of strange events happen as a mysterious mist rolls into town and once the mist is set in it covers the entire town in half darkness like something out of Silent Hill. Anyway, all the townspeople that are at the store are now trapped inside the store being that there's strange creatures outside that can't be determined or seen with the naked eye, being that its' foggy as hell out there!

So David, Billy and a mess of the town's folk have to devise a plan to get out of the store and on their way to safety, in the process diverting the other people away from a bible thumping mongoloid religion nut that seems to have a way about proving her faith through cause and effect of the creatures. Although David is obviously leader material it takes a lot for the people in the store to trust him being they don't believe the monsters... Until they come face to face with them. It's a battle of man against super beast in this sci-fi horror flick.
What this movie has that other King based films don't is character. This movie has a deeper message to it than most, and although it's definitely more sci-fi than the others it still grabs your attention and makes you wonder the entire time "What the hell ARE those things?" When you finally get to see the creatures your in for a treat as they are all twisted and evil looking and have their own personal characteristics that make them deadly and cool at the same time. The CGI was cool, everything, especially the atmosphere, was incredibly dark and sinister. The only thing really uplifting about the movie is the ass kicking old folks who bring a lighter side to the movie but don't sell it short on terror. In all this movie will piss you off I think, mainly at the end. I couldn't believe after all that time something would happen at the end that just was a total buzzkill. I'm not saying I didn't like it; I was just shocked it ended the way it did, but that's Stephen King right?
For all sci-fi horror fans and people that are into the unusual and twisted give this movie a try.
The best in a long time of Stephen King based movies, I recommend this movie but be warned, the ending will throw you off. Good luck!
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Stephen King's The Mist
DIRECTOR: Frank Darabont
WRITING CREDITS: Frank Darabont, Stephen King
GENRE: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
CAST: Thomas Jane, Marcia Gay Harden, Laurie Holden
RUNTIME: 126 min
RATING: 8/10
Mist, The Website/IMDB Click here
Mist, The Trailer