Ginger is on her way to become a woman and has to experience all that comes with the territory (can't tell you too much about that). She and her sister are very close and are somewhat outsiders at their high school and has a deep interest in staging and photographing scenes of death. On the night of Gingers first period which is also the night of a full moon Ginger gets bitten by a werewolf and her sister tries to do everything she possibly can to help her sister out before she becomes a full-on werewolf.
I hate most teen horror flicks, well hate might be a too strong word to use but at least I often find myself quite bored from watching these stereotype teens, listen to their stupid dialogue and only thing you get awarded with is that you get to seem them die, but sometimes that's not very satisfying either.
But then once in a while a teen horror flick comes along that is different from most of the unoriginal crap out there and Ginger Snaps is one of those movies.
It's still a movie with teens, I don't think you can ever escape from the enormous teen horror industry but at least it's a really good flick for a change.
It's a simple story but it's also about becoming a woman and all that comes with it and to become a werewolf and all that comes with that. It might sound silly but it really works well here.
Talking about teen horror flicks earlier, this stands out in many ways. It's more clever than your average flick and doesn't really borrow from other movies, not so you can really tell anyway.
It also features scenes of strong gore which is a major plus and the black humour throughout the movie makes it more interesting and fun to watch without ever being stupid or anything like that.
The film has a solid script and will keep you interested through the whole thing and it never uses cheap tricks or other dumb things to keep the audience in their chairs.
Thing with this movie that's also great is that it takes it's time and you get to know Ginger quite well to actually be able to somewhat care for what she's going through. And with taking it's time I don't mean that it's slow paced or anything like that, it just has a very good build up which is one of the reasons why it delivers in the end.
If you wanna see a really good werewolf movie which is different from all the other werewolf movies out there and that is somewhat unique in it's own kind of way, then Ginger Snaps is truly recommened. And if you like this then you might wanna check out the two sequals or that's actually one sequal that is Ginger Snaps: Unleashed and one prequal that is Ginger Snaps III: The Beginning.
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DIRECTOR: John Fawcett
WRITING CREDITS: Karen Walton, John Fawcett
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Emily Perkins, Katharine Isabelle, Kris Lemche
RUNTIME: 108 min
RATING: 9/10
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Ginger Snaps Trailer Click here