By: Arthur Jefferson
Arthur Jefferson: You previously played minor roles in DOOM and SHANGHAI KNIGHTS. But you played a significant leading role in HOSTEL: could you recount how you were cast in the movie?
I was cast in Prague, back in the Czech Republic, where the movie was shot. My agency called me and they said they were casting for HOSTEL, a horror movie. I read the script and I really liked the part they had in mind for me. The "Natalya" character appears to be a nice person, at least in the beginning, and then she transforms into this evil conspirator. But she manages, at least for awhile, to hide her more sinister personality. And yes, of course, I was interested in playing that part. It was strong...and disturbing!
AJ: HOSTEL was promoted, in America, with trailers that cautioned the public to its sadistic content.
When I read the script, I really had no idea that the film would turn so huge; it made a lot of money.
AJ: Were you aware that the violence would be so graphic?
Though I read the script, I really had no idea how it was going to look. I wasn't there when they shot the "torture" scenes. I really didn't see anything from the movie until it was completely done. I was actually pretty surprised about how gory the film looked when it finally all edited. It was certainly good-looking!
AJ: I understand that you moonlight, as a puppeteer, in your native Prague...
I was studying acting and, also, I was doing puppeteering for a couple of years. I was doing both up until I auditioned for HOSTEL, which afforded me my biggest role. I also like to read...
Barbara Nedeljakova and HOSTEL Director Eli Roth |
Dressing up for the shot |
Barbara Nedeljakova: HOSTEL Poster |
AJ: Who are your favorite writers?
Dostoevsky and Kafka.
AJ: Are you a fan of horror films?
I do like horror movies. My favorite one is probably THE SHINING.
AJ: Could you offer some information on your current project?
I'm currently attached to a psychological thriller, it will be shot during the winter.
AJ: Are you currently residing in the United States?
Yes, I'm now living in Los Angeles.
AJ: Which actresses would you gauge as a positive influence for yourself?
I do admire Audrey Hepburn and Sophie Marceau.