By: Marcus Ingelmo
Evil Dread: Hi DJ, what's cooking? Are you living life to the fullest?
Marcus, I'm cooking over here like a cannibal at a corn roast. What in the hell does that mean? First cup of coffee here so bear with me. I must say that life has been very good and yes full. I'm from Michigan and I'm sure you've heard Michigan now has the best tax rebate and incentive package in the country. It's hard to believe that our great state sat at the bottom of the pile for so long and now everyone is coming here to shoot. It's like a gold rush and that means great things for actors, crews and producers from Michigan.
ED: You're quite the busy man, seem like you always have tons of projects going on but let's talk about KARMA that you recently shot in India. How was it to work on that film on location in India and how come you got involved in it in the first place?
A few years back I was in discussions to do a horror film in the UK by Indian producer Vivek Singhania. He had seen some of my previous work and liked it. He told me I was the first person that they cast on "Karma" and believe or not it had to do with numerology. I was surprised to find out how extensively they use that in their business practice. I was told that my numbers add up to great success and so by India standards I'm considered "good karma" to a project. I had not met any of these folks face to face and so it was a real adventure of just getting on a plane and flying half way across the world. That is one of the exciting aspects of this career. We all have stories to tell and through motion picture we can change the way the world sees itself. The adventures that continue to unfold in my life are just amazing and I'm so thankful to do what I do. I love the fans who enjoy the stories and so I'm very eager to see what audiences think of "Karma: Crime, Passion, Reincarnation." I'm proud to be part of something like this. I felt like I was representing! USA Holmes! An old saying from when the Beastie Boys were actually still boys.
ED: What did you learn, if anything, working in India with Indian people and the whole culture thing going on? Was it completely different compared to working in the US and what were the most positive and negative aspects regarding the whole experience?
I learned so very much from the experience. First, I was forced to stretch with the character of Detective Khushroo. We were doing an English movie and I was playing a non-US citizen. That alone was a challenge that I didn't take lightly. I use a slight accent that always sits hard with people who know you very well. I didn't lay it on too heavy and it has this European unknown quality to it. It was great fun but these brown contacts they tried to keep in my eyes wouldn't stay in. They would pop out and so I got to stay "The Blue Eyed Devil" ha-ha! I take great care in whatever I'm trying to portray. I've trained with fire departments, embedded with hard core Civil War re-enactors, rode along with EMT's and so on. I just want to do as good of a job as I can but I don't put undo pressure on myself. Nobody dies on a table if I make a mistake.
These Indian people have such a high regard for the craft of acting and those who do it. I wasn't ready for the amount of pampering and hospitality that they gave me. We were taken to a very, very nice hotel high in the mountains in southern India. The people do have the left over attitudes of a caste system but I think they all loved the fact that I treated everyone as equals. They also have a MUCH lower cost of living and daily wage. They literally had an army of set dressers, grips and electricians. They would build towers to support the lighting and it was just amazing to watch them build them by hand. They built major sets, barns and much more and always with a smile. The negatives are that they are much more leisurely and they could schedule a bit tighter at times but once you give in to it all it is very enjoyable. I mean they have TEA as a department. They take their tea very serious but that and South Indian coffee became my favourite beverages of choice. I'm not a huge fan of certain Indian spices and so that had me limiting my diet. I lost quite a bit of weight over there but that is not always a bad thing.
ED: KARMA will (when writing this) soon roll in Cannes. What are your expectations; do you think the film will be well received and how do you think people in general will respond to it?
Karma did screen twice in Cannes and they had a great response and packed houses. I thought that SONY PICTURES was going to pick it up as several distributors were chasing it but TRICOAST stole the film away. We'll know soon what level it will release in America but it is getting a major theatrical in a few countries for sure. I think US fans will take to it because 1) It is in English 2) You follow an American girl into the culture 3) The culture is sexy cool in an Arabian Nights meets Sleepy Hollow sort of way. 4) No crazy dance numbers and such...
Watch and decide for yourself!
ED: As far as I understand KARMA has a little horror touch to it. Is this something that is totally new in India (except for some film called B-hoot that I saw years back) and do you think this is something we'll see much more of from India in the future?
KARMA is a horror/thriller film but in a high art sort of way. India inspires me that a good HP Lovecraft movie could be made over there. (That could be a dropped hint) Actually the two Indian companies PICTURE PERFECT and GOLDEN TICKET and I have a few co-productions in talks. I have an awesome biblical period action piece called FACE THE THUNDER and we are also discussing THE CULT OF REX MUNDI to be shot in part in India. I saw how the Asian horror flicks invaded and I think we'll see more and more Indian filmmakers crossing over to western film themes. Why? They have a sincere love for film and they bring their own filtered vision to the screen that is gritty yet dotted with extreme beauty. I think it is a style that will be embraced for its beauty and power. Shekhar Kapur who directed the "Elizabeth" movies is an Indian filmmaker and friend of our producer Vivek. Just like the 1970's Spiritual Advisors that found western followers and the Yogi masters getting folks all bendy, a group of Indian filmmakers are looking to bring their visions to the world. I truly believe this will happen as Indian Filmmakers break from the singing and dancing aspects. American's as a whole aren't into musicals. Maybe if it was HEAVY METAL or Zeppelin's THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME. Okay! I'm showing my age now: Next question.
ED: Moving on to another one of your recent films, DOG. Could you tell us a little about this horror film and your involvement in it?
I play a funny role in this nifty little horror film entitled, "DOG." It was produced by these up and coming horrormongers DeadMouse and No Way in Hell Productions both hailing from ole' Michigan. I knew the writer/Fx artist James Korloch back from the early, early "In the Woods" days. "Hey! I heard that! You try acting with muppets!"
"DOG" is a gritty "muppet-free" horror film directed by Tim Gates. It has a great cast and I have to say I also enjoyed the SPINAL TAP like interview we did for DVD Extras! Great bunch of guys to keep an eye on! Trailer and website !
ED: When will DOG see the light of day and how far are the people behind it production-wise?
I think I understand this question. When you hear a Conan hunting horn and a bellowing ROAR! Then you will know that someone has cried havok and released the dogs of war! No. I don't know when they will be done. I was not a producer on this project and my role was a one day in and out. It was a hit and run performance but I think folks will dig it. I was filming a biblical movie "Book of Ruth" (Shameless promotion) in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Temp trailer at .
Okay, (I was just given ten bucks by Stephen Walker the director of "Book of Ruth"...hey. Ten bucks is ten bucks! Those gas prices are killer!)
Anywho I had this massive beard from the biblical film and so I had quite the look going for "Dog". (see photo to the left, 8th from the top)
I think you're asking me where their production skills are...yes? Well they are an independent bunch for sure but that is where we all begin. They were using descent equipment and they had a good script. It has that touch of humor that I like to offset the gore. I think fans will see that they were working with a limited budget but if they invest in the story then it will be a success.
The Two-For Flinching guys who I did "The 8th Plague" with were like that. They rolled right into another horror flick "Carver." I talked with director Frankie Guerrero this past week and we discussed projects. I think he and I would like to find that right horror film to try and take it to eleven! We had a blast shooting "The 8th Plague" and I love the action. I get into it with axe in hand and such. See I use to teach martial arts at one time but never wanted to do any Power Ranger or Chuck Norris like stuff. I just use the training to stay in shape and try to do my own stunts when possible. Well I want to make a major ACTION/HORROR film!
My round about point is that I think the good folks behind "Dog" will turn some heads with their first film here and will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. It is always about the biz holding the show back. Biz is money and investors and show is what you can spend on screen.
ED: Then we have MURDER AT HOLLOW'S POINT, an Indie Horror I'd like to hear more about so could you give us the low-down on this one please?
Michigan's great horror tradition is further expanded by my co-starring turn with Jason Carter (Babylon 5), Anthony Hornus (Also in 'DOG") and talented newbie Blair Wojcik starring in Jeff Burton's "Murder at Hollow's Point." The trailer link can be found here
Director Nathaniel Nose has been in demand after this film he also cut the trailer for my "Ghost Town, the Movie" due out in October 08 in time for Hallloween!
Check out the official "Ghost Town, the Movie" website here!
He then directed the film "Cut, Print" which again showcases his unique style. I think folks will dig the character I get to play in the movie "Murder at Hollow's Point." Do I serve the light or the darkness I cannot tell.
ED: I guess you like to keep busy because you seem to have tons of upcoming stuff all the time. Is it hard giving it your absolute best on each movie when you have lots of other projects to think about at the same time?
Very good question. My brain is overactive and loves to multitask. Now acting for me is like playing soccer. I live in the moment so either "I am the character" or "I am trying to put this ball in their net and keep it out of our net." It is almost a meditation but I also seem to be able to really "think, feel and contemplate" as the character and do it sincerely. Now I hate to keep going back to my first starring feature "In the Woods" but an actor MUST have the words. It is hard to ramble about gerbils, hamsters, devil dogs and such but I did try my best. The importance of a good script is key. I'm also thankful to be at that place in my career where it is not about just paying the bills but I can pick the projects I feel work best for me.
You also always have to always plant new seeds. That is working with talented new groups that you feel will blossom into the next growth of movers, shakers and visionaries. My name will bring distribution to a project but I also have to watch quality and the bottom line. I have made a few sub par films but that is not what I want to be remembered for. I always strive to give my best once I commit to a role. It doesn't matter at that point what kind of camera is rolling, what lighting is used or even how much money I'm making. At that point from "action" to "cut" it's "Be the ball Danny" and that is my acting technique. ("caddyshack" quote for those too young)
DJ Perry trying to get a leg up in the industry. My 1st starring role in "In the Woods" |
Rare shot of one of DJ's early Halloween's as Frankenstein |
ED: Anything else you'd like to say to the readers before we wrap this one up?
My upcoming diverse slate includes starring in a pair of westerns "Wild Michigan" and "Timberwolf." Add in "Holly, Jingles and Clyde" a family Xmas comedy and that hinted at action/horror film "The Cult of Rex Mundi." I will continue to be a hard to define actor, writer, and producer. I like being like that expansive ocean versus water confined and stagnating like in a fish tank. Okay! Why do these brownies taste funny? Give me that 40 oz of Colt .45 to wash this down.
ED: Thanks DJ for all the answers, much appreciated! I wish you all the best in the future and keep us up to date with what you're doing!
No! Thank you my friend. I always love to stop by and chat. These filmmakers all work very hard and so I love getting the word out on their projects. I hope that some of you find one of these stories that connect with you. EVIL DREAD RULES!