Poor Asuka, she been bullied by her classmates and they're cruel people, so of course she wants to see them hurt, well, actually she wants to see emī dead. So when her classmates embark on a class field trip to Korea, Asuka plans revenge by sending a disturbing photo with the message: If you transmit this cursed photo to someone else, your life will be spared. Soon, chaos is at hand with everyone thinking only about themselves and their own survival, but luckily for all the paniced youngsters, there are those who wants to stop Asuka's reign of terror.
So this is the third and final movie in the popular One Missed Call franchise that director Miike started, and while his movie is still supreme compared to its two followers, this third one was definitely a step up when comparing it to the second mess of a movie. The film bears a slight resemblance to Battle Royale due to the fact that students have to fight for survival, but the weapons they use are not guns, fists or crossbows, instead they keep forwarding deadly cell phone messages to each other. So no old school stuff here, but rather more of the futuristic kind. It's kinda easy to see how a flick like this could be popular, only problem with it is that it drags every now and then, and let me tell ya, it drags A LOT. Still, it makes up for some of that delivering some really cool death scenes, and we all love really cool death scenes now don't we?
We get to follow a Japanese high school class on a trip to South Korea and while being in the country, deadly cell phone messages starts to rain upon all the kids. It starts with a message with a disturbing, or rather morbid photo, and the only salvation is to forward this message to someone else who will die instead of the one who first got it. Needless to say, they forward messages like hell in this flick.
 The evil mind behind this crazy curse is a young girl named Asuka, and if it would never have been for her classmates bulling her like hell, things would've been fine, but obviously they're not. Do you remember the cartoon Inspector Gadget? I don't remember what that evil dude was called, but I'm talking about the guy with the iron hand who sits in front of a screen watching the s**t go down while stroking a fat cat. It's pretty much the same thing here, with Asuka being the evil genius that sits infront of a computer screen, picking out her next victim that'll receive the deadly message. She doesn't have a cat though but other than that, it's pretty much the same thing.
One Missed Call: Final is a pure popcorn type of horror that is neither too hard to understand or too heavy to watch. We're introduced to some cool kills early on, get a good background story to why all the evil stuff's happening and even though it doesn't build too much suspense during its course, it still manages to entertain. But then, booom!, things starts to drag and if it would've just happened for a while there things would've been fine but every time it starts rolling at a good pace again, it doesn't take long before more slowness kicks in. Eventually I got a bit sick of it and just wanted the film to end.
While it's not very gory at all, most of the deaths that occur has something to offer and that was what kept my spirit up while sitting through it all. Unfortunately, there are not enough cool kills or horrific moments to save the boredom that the film throws upon its viewer from time to time. Another thing is that it was way too long, lasting for 104 minutes when it could've easily lasted for 80-something minutes instead. It's a bit too long and some scenes in the film are just too slow and doesn't deliver anything of much importance. Still, it sure has its moments but when it comes to delivering ghostly scares, it pretty much falls flat.
One Missed Call: Final has some redeeming qualities but lack in pacing and effective scares. While the story is not bad, it's very predictable and don't expect to see nothing new here. Still, if you've seen the other two previous films you might wanna check it out just for the sake of it, and if you don't expect (too) much, I think you'll be fine.
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DIRECTOR: Manabu Aso
WRITING CREDITS: Yasushi Akimoto
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Maki Horikita, Meisa Kuroki, Jang Geun-Seok
COUNTRY: Japan, South Korea
RUNTIME: 104 min
RATING: 5/10
One Missed Call: Final Website/IMDB Click here
One Missed Call: Final Trailer Click here