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TOMIE is a film based on the super popular manga by the same name written by Junji Ito, and just from hearing what the awesome manga contain you'd think it would be one helluva film... well unfortunately, like so many times before, the movie does not even compare to the book. The flick came out in 1999, one year after the brilliant RINGU, and has spawned a number of sequels to date. All of you reading this and who are used to watching Asian horror knows that Asian films often have a tendency to "take their time" before delivering the goods. And that's of course fine just as long as we do get the goods at the end, and that's the major problem with TOMIE; we get nothing except for...
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Movie Review: Box

Kyoko carries painful memories from her childhood because when Kyoko was a kid she and her sister performed together in their fatherís entertainment act were there was a tragic accident which she have been feeling responsible for ever since. And the more time goes by the more she comes closer to madness of what's real and what's not. She seems to be drifting in and out of reality, fantasy, dreams and dreams of her past.

I guess if you're a fan of Miike you'll most likely check this one out, if you never seen any of Miike's movies before, this one (and all the rest) might tend to be a bit weird but there are better movies to start with than this one.

I'm kinda neutral when it comes to Miike's movies, I'm not a big fan of his as I think some of his movies are excellent while some others are no good at all, but Box I really liked. It's somewhat "arty" with a lot of weird imagery but tells a pretty interesting story, is beautifully directed and is a little bit eerie.

Three... Extremes: Box Three... Extremes: Box

This is the most less extreme short film in the Three Extremes movie, it has a few elements of horror but feels more like a dark drama which makes a nice mixture of the three movies combined.

Final Comments
Box has some visually stunning scenes and the imagery is fantastic and has a great feel to it. Miike did a excellent job directing this and it's definitely worth a look even though it might not appeal to some peoples taste.

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DIRECTOR: Takashi Miike
WRITING CREDITS: Haruko Fukushima, Bun Saikou
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Kyoko Hasegawa, Mai Suzuki, Yuu Suzuki
RUNTIME: 40 min

RATING: 8/10

Box Website/IMDB Click here
Box Trailer Click here

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