A teenage scientist develops a painkiller that he calls MY SON. His mom works as a doctor, and have three young girls take part in a test for a new contraceptive drug. But her 17 year old son spike that drug with his new experimental painkiller, without the girls or the mom knowing about it. The drug turns pain into pleasure, and soon two of the girls start hurting themselves really bad...and can't stop hurting themselves either. The mom has no idea what's going on, and the son is stalking the girls, documenting everything on his video camera. Needless to say, it all ends in bloodbath.
There were a lot of hype regarding Naked Blood, and even if it's gory, the hype was still somewhat misleading. Same goes for the cover, which looks like the ultimate gorefest. It has some very strong scenes involving gore, but also contains a lot of drama, and there are only a few scenes that are very extreme. If you're only in it for the gore, I would suggest watching the Guinea Pig series instead.
Naked Blood starts of with showing a 17 year old scientist who has developed a new painkiller that turns pain into pleasure. He has never tested it out, so of course he's eager to do so. His mom is doing an experiement on three young girls, giving them a contraceptive drug, and the son goes to her workplace, when about to perform the test, and spikes the drug with his painkiller. It's not your normal teenage prank, and the whole thing turns out to be really nasty with deadly consequences.
 Soon the girls start to feel the drug kick in, and when they hurt themselves, it does not hurt but instead feels wonderful. To tell you a little of what those nasty scenes contain; One of the girls deep fry her hand, to later cut a piece of her genitalia and eat it. She then cuts one of her nipples off and eats it as well, and when finished with that, she puts a fork in her eye, pulls out the eyeball, and eats that too. (It's recommended not to eat when watching this). Another girl (shown on the cover) can't stop piercing herself with all kinds of things, and after a while she looks like a mess. There are other nasty scenes as well, and most of them might be somewhat hard to sit through.
But Naked Blood is not only a movie with strong scenes of gore. It actually has a lot of drama in it, and even if the story is simple, it's still very interesting to follow. The acting is very good, and the movie never feels too over-the-top. There's no humour in it whatsoever, and ignoring the gory scenes, it makes for a pretty good and serious drama as well.
Naked Blood is a bit similar Mermaid in the Manhole, since even if it has a lot of gore in it, it still makes for a very good drama, and has an interesting story too. It's not just all about gore, but has a lot of other things to offer as well, which makes the whole outcome seem better. Personally, I think Naked Blood is a great movie, but I'm not sure if I can recommend it since it's a very different movie that a normal horror fan might find to be too strange. There are some strong scenes of gore, so take notice of that, but it's also a great drama, and overall, a great film.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Megyaku: Akuma no yorokobi, Woman-Torture: Devil's Pleasure, Itainoga suki
DIRECTOR: Hisayasu Sato
WRITING CREDITS: Taketoshi Watari
GENRE: Horror, Gore, Drama
CAST: Misa Aika, Yumika Hayashi, Sadao Abe
RUNTIME: 76 min
RATING: 9/10
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Naked Blood Trailer Click here