The movie is about this lady who finds a pair if red shoes (well pink) and gets utterly obsessed with them. She has a daughter which is a very annoying young girl who also gets obsessed with these shoes. In fact, everyone who comes in contact with the shoes gets obsessed with them, but they also have to pay the prize for wanting them.
Another new Korean horror movie, I always wanna see them but you don't really go in with any real expectations anymore. When you first hear about this movie it sounds kinda dumb that it's about a pair of red shoes (which actually are bright did that go wrong?).
Anyway, it's not as dumb as it might sound. It's not the most original of movies but still well worthy of a watch.
Does this sound corny? Yes it sure does, but let me tell you that it's not as corny as it may sound, this doesn't mean that it's great in any way but still it shouldn't get dissed just because of how it sounds. It's actually hard to explain the story without it sounding a bit corny.
There's also a back story to the actual shoes but that I won't tell you here. There's more to it then what I have revealed here and you should give it a shot, it's worth a watch.
 I read some comments about this movie in some forum, and someone (who obviously had not seen the movie) said that it was about some killer shoes the runs around and kill people, but that's not the case.
The actors in the movie are top-notch, visually it's great like most Korean movies out there, it's also quite creepy from the way it was shot, and has a great atmosphere. Also on the plus side is the gore, we actually get to see a lot of gore in this movie and some really cool gory scenes.
The pacing here's like with most Asian movies, if you are not used to it you might get ants in your pants, but it's actually not that slow so it shouldn't be a problem. Like I said before, it's well worth a watch.
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DIRECTOR: Yong-gyun Kim
WRITING CREDITS: Yong-gyun Kim, Hans Christian Andersen
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Hye-su Kim, Seong-su Kim, Yeon-ah Park
COUNTRY: South Korea
RUNTIME: 103 min
RATING: 7/10
Red Shoes Website/IMDB Click here
Red Shoes Trailer Click here