We're looking into the future of the year 2001 (well actually looking back) and Ricky is incarcerated in a prison that is run by a corrupt and sadistic system and his only means for survival is to fight the on-going violence with violence.
The Story of Ricky is definitely one of a kind, it's so bad that it's actually good, but it all depends on what kinda person you are and how you would see it as it's so not for everyone.
But if you want gore, (and that's a lot of gore), and really low humour then this might be something for you. It's fast paced, has a lot of violence and a story that's nothing special but the story is not the main concern here.
Like I said, this is not a movie you watch for the story, the story's just there and you watch it for the gore and violence and the humorous situations. It's gory as hell at times but the way it's made and the fact of just how unserious the movie really is, it never really gets very brutal to watch, infact the total opposite.
 The Story of Ricky is a very entertaining and fast paced b-flick and you have to be open for a lot of things and be able to take it for what it is, that means you can't go in watching it being too serious. But if you can take it for what it is you're definitely in for a entertaining ride.
It's a little bit like watching a cartoon as Ricky is a cartoonish figure and the violence is kinda cartoonish too. He has super strength and there sure are some funny moments when he uses it. Like for instance there's a scene when he practises and has a guy throwing grave stones at him which get completely smashed once they hit his chest.
So yeah, maybe you can figure out what to expect, and like I said it's not for everyone, but take it the right way and it sure can be a really fun ride.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Riki-Oh, Lik wong, Riki Ô
DIRECTOR: Ngai Kai Lam
WRITING CREDITS: Ngai Kai Lam, Tetsuya Saruwatari
GENRE: Horror, Comedy, Action, Cat III
CAST: Siu-Wong Fan, Mui Sang Fan, Ka-Kui Ho
COUNTRY: Hong Kong, Japan
RUNTIME: 91 min
RATING: 6/10
Story of Ricky, The Website/IMDB Click here
Story of Ricky, The Trailer Click here