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Horror Hottys - Charlie Skye
Charlie Skye
By: Arthur Jefferson
Charlie Skye

"I loved seeing blood splattered all over the place and guts hanging out."

Striking poses for an adaptation of the most subversive Looney Tune ever produced, the 19-year-old model effectively blends vulnerability with a seductive style of vindication. Off camera, Charlie Skye admits her affection for modern Grand Guignol. She's a geek’s wet dream: snubbing chick flicks, Skye prefers a good ole’ B-movie (boobs ‘n’ blood) over Harlequin romance. Fanboys, please take note: yeah, Skye is impassioned with chunckblowers (e.g. "all zombie movies") but she’s equally fond of b&w classics: not yielding exclusively to trendy slashers, she appreciates vintage films that pull the plug on clinical violence (e.g. Robert Wise’s THE HAUNTING). The youthful beauty is glibly outspoken about the genre and women's roles (personally, I hope that she's eventually engaged as a critic; her distaff views explore underrated films like Stuart Gordon's DOLLS and GINGER SNAPS, the latter prompting a hybrid of menopause and lycanthropy). Be sure to check-out Skye's for an expanded profile but herewith is her summarization of all things related to horror:

Favorite horror movie? "THE EXORCIST, DOLLS, THE FUNHOUSE, THE HAUNTING ('63 version), CHILD'S PLAY, GINGER SNAPS, FINAL DESTINATION, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS and pretty much all the zombie movies."

Worst horror film? "I'm not a fan of SEED OF CHUCKY (a son/daughter? Come on now...) or SCREAM (one word: cheesy)."

Favorite actress who's linked to genre films? "Linda Blair, Jodie Foster and Fairuza Balk."

Favorite actor who's linked to genre films? "Vincent Price, Anthony Hopkins, Johnny Depp."

Favorite boogeyman (or boogeywoman)? "Probably Anthony Hopkins in SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, Jason or Chucky--and also anything dealing with the devil or demons."

Favorite female character? "Linda Blair in THE EXORCIST (she's a classic, period). Oh, and Fairuza Balk in THE CRAFT (she just has the most evil look about her!)."

Favorite director? "Stephen King, Tim Burton and Wes Craven."

The scene, from a horror film, that genuinely frightened you? "Probably the parts in THE EXORCIST, where the lights are flashing and the demon faces pop up, because that movie is based on a true story. Oh, and Stephen King's IT...that whole movie is creepy because I hate clowns. Typical? Yes. But that clown is fucking whacky!"

Favorite sexy or erotic scene from a horror movie? "Hmmm.. I can't really pick one. None of my favorite horror films really had any sexy scenes."

Your comments regarding women's roles in the genre? "I think that women have always played out the whole 'dumb broad.' It always pissed me off because girls always found some way to trip over their own feet while running away from the bad guy, or they just sat there and screamed their head off. I'd like to see a horror movie where the girl is a creepy, bad ass villain with a lot of FX makeup. Kinda like how creepy Linda Blair looked in THE EXORCIST. That makeup was badass!"

Why do horror films appeal to you? "I've always been fascinated with death and horror/gore. I was always the young girl that felt the more gross and gory the movie, the better! I loved seeing blood splattered all over the place and guts hanging out. I mostly love when movies take a surprising twist in the end though, because a lot of them are predictable."

Do you sleep in the nude? "Usually, yes. If not, I sleep in boyshorts and a band tee."

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