9 people who all are strangers to one another find themselves wakes up in a big house with no idea of how they got there. After a while they find out, from a voice through speakers in the building, that in end there are only supposed to be one person left of the nine and that person will recieve one million dollars. And from there on chaos breaks lose.
It doesn't sound that original, the recent excellent movies Saw and Saw 2 had somewhat of the same theme in it, and it's basically also the same theme as with My Little Eye etc. had, but I must say that this was still a really nice piece to watch.
It's like a reality-show were you have all kinds of different (dumb) people who are put together somewhere and has to work together and you always have some moron screwing everything up, some bimbo, some good-guy etc, and it's the different types of characters that makes it interesting of course.
What makes this movie a bit scary is how real it actually feels, since you've seen people act like this for real on tv before and the stupid things some people will do under pressure, and just the nature of humans in general.
None of the characters are really likable, like Dennis Hopper who's playing the role of some Irish priest and has a really stupid fake accent which is very annoying to listen to. Then there are all kinds of types, but none that you really feel anything special for.
Best thing about this movie is the actual ending which is somewhat unpredictable, (I didn't see it coming), and the ending is really good, but I won't reveal anything here. Worth a look.
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DIRECTOR: Steven R. Monroe
GENRE: Horror, Thriller
CAST: Dennis Hopper, Kelly Brook, Peter Capaldi
RUNTIME: 86 min
RATING: 7/10
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