A college professor experiments on a corpse of a girl, trying to bring her back to life again. But something goes terribly wrong and soon the whole school is infested with zombies. Some government agents are sent to the school to get a blood sample from the zombie that started the spread of the disease in order to find a cure for it. Together with a special army unit they enter the school, although their mission is everything but easy.
I was expecting crap, and while I didn't strike gold, I still got something out of House of the Dead 2 as it proved to be quite an entertaining zombie flick. Not too often but once in a while a sequel manages to surpass the original movie and that is just what happened here. On the other hand it didn't come like a big surprise since it would actually be quite difficult to make a movie that would be worse than Uwe Boll's House of the Dead. I'm glad he wasn't involved in the making of this sequel since the man has a tendecy to ruin everything he touches when it comes to making films.
Ok, so it's of course not a brilliant movie with fantastic acting and that has a really intriguing story or anything like it. But it still managed to be entertaining and not too dumb, and it really had a Resident Evil feel to it...that's the game and not the shitty movies. The movie started off pretty bad, showing some braindead teens crashing a party, and we get to see some tits and hear some really stupid dialogue. So the way it started out wasn't too good and I was afraid I was in for a real crapfest, but fortunately it all changed pretty quickly and gradually it became better and better.
Sid Haig appears in the beginning of the movie as the college professor who experiments on the dead and is the cause of all the later problems. He's doing good but is just in the movie for a few minutes. Soon after, the zombie disease has spread throughout the school and a team is sent in to find a cure to be able to stop the disease from being spread further. Now the team consist of some pretty stupid characters, although the two lead characters are both pretty likable, one of them being a woman who's kinda easy on the eyes as well.
They search the school, room by room, and encounters zombies every now and then. The zombie make-up is really good and they look quite nasty, something that will appeal to all zombie fans out there. The movie is not that interesting but at least it's fast-paced and has things happening all the time. With things happening is mostly that they run into zombies, and more zombies, and more and so on. It's fairly predictable and you kinda know what to expect, but it still manages to be quite entertaining and the acting's not too bad either. Ok, some of the actors suck, but the leads do a pretty decent job and overall it's definitely watchable.
A movie like this with little gore would be terrible but luckily there are tons of gore and it looks pretty good as well. Of course it's not scary and there are no real unexpected jumps, but it still does the job on the horror front. There are a couple of moments that has a little tension to them, but overall it lacks a bit of suspense. Like I said before, it really has a Resident Evil feel to it, been playing the games quite a lot it was actually fun to see how similar this movie was at times. More similar than the actual Resident Evil movies which is kinda strange, although it's a cool thing so what the hell.
The story is not that interesting but still does the job. The dialogue is at times pretty dumb, not whacky or fun, but just plain stupid. Although it's a minor thing and is fairly easy to ignore. House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim is pretty fast-paced and quite entertaining for a B-movie. And if you're into zombies and gore you'll definitely have a good time watching this flick.
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DIRECTOR: Michael Hurst
WRITING CREDITS: Mark A. Altman, Michael Roesch
GENRE: Horror, Zombie
CAST: Emmanuelle Vaugier, Ed Quinn, James Parks
RUNTIME: 95 min
RATING: 5/10
House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim Website/IMDB Click here
House of the Dead 2: Dead Aim Trailer Click here