Television journalist Ann Baurer is spending time in the Brazilian rainforest, covering some story. One day though, she stumbles upon Dr. North's experiment, to raise genetically mutated bees and sell their venom's healing properties as medicine. Unfortunately, these bees also contain a fast-acting virus which is extremely deadly. And now, several cases of bees are being shipped to New York on a jet. Oh noooo!!!
There's no real excuse for making a movie like this. Only excuse I can think of, that would be worthy, is if the people behind it said they made it so bad so it would actually be funny to watch. And while it kinda is that, I don't think that was their real intentions when they made it. I know some people that have awful taste when it comes to movies, but still, I'm pretty much sure they wouldn't go for Killer Buzz either. It's actually quite amazing when thinking about why movies like this are made in the first place, and who the hell they are for? Who actually watches the whole thing and likes it? I would like to meet that person, or actually I wouldn't, since that would just be too scary for real I'm sure.
Rutger Hauer, you kinda wonder how he ended up in this piece of junk that they call a film. Recently I saw him in Minotaur, and that was also surprising since that was a crappy flick as well, but still, it was a lot 'better' than Killer Buzz proved to be. I've had this movie laying around at home for quite some time now, and have just been avoiding to watch it. Last night I decided to give it a go which wasn't the smartest decision ever made, and it would've been so much better if I would've just kept avoiding to watch it. After finished watching it, it felt like one had gotten hit over the head really bad, and today, I suffer a terrible hang-over from it.
Hauer plays some crazed terrorist called Ezekial who wants to keep the bees for himself, and therefore causes a lot of trouble for others, him and his army. There's also this tribe of Indians called The Shadow People (where have I heard that before?) that doesn't make this movie any more interesting. Early on, the movie's actually so bad that it's at times kinda funny, but after some time the fun is gone and it's just all bad all the way through. It's not even a proper horror movie, it just deals with bees and feels more like a really shitty and pointless action flick that was meant for complete idiots. I really can't go on writing about Killer Buzz, it's just not worth the time.
This film is so freakin bad it's not even funny, and there's no point of going into detail about it since there's really no good reason to watch it in the first place. I hope I never have to sit through anything like this ever again (even though I know that is bound to happen sooner or later).
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Abelhas - Ataque Mortal
WRITING CREDITS: Jeff Hare, Zani Leo
GENRE: Horror, Action, Sci-Fi
CAST: Gabrielle Anwar, Rutger Hauer, Craig Sheffer
RUNTIME: 95 min
RATING: 1/10
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