A group of bank robbers are on the run from the law and hide in a abandoned house. Next to the abandoned house is another house which is inhabited by a serial killer and of course the bank robbers are unaware of this. One of their hostages escapes and runs to the next house for help and from there on all hell breaks loose.
Every once in a while a new horror film is about to come out that horror fans seem to talk about and you kinda get your expectations up. Unfortunately too often when actually viewing the movie itself, it ends up being not so good after all. Malevolence is your typical example of this.
From what I've read and heard, a lot of people seem to have really liked this movie for some reason. But I for one cannot see what makes it so good as it brings nothing new to the screen.
Some people also claim that it's paying homage to flicks like Halloween etc, and yeah I guess it does but does this make the movie better? Of course not, wheter or not it pays homage it's still an unoriginal movie with bad acting and a laughable killer, you can never escape from that, homage or not.
If it's gonna pay homage it has to do it in a clever way otherwise it's not homage, it just borrows from other flicks. I've only said negative things so far, but the movie is actually watchable and have a few good things in it. Although they're very few and in the end I'm not sure it's worth it.
Malevolence is a slasher movie that tries to have some of that 70's feeling to it which works kinda ok but unfortunately not all the way. It's low-budget with a story that could have been delivered in a so much better way, unfortunately we never get to experience that here.
It has some of the worst sound effects ever heard which just makes it ridiculous and I can't believe why they used it in the first place.
When thinking about it, this movie ain't that good as it has too many negative things going for it and that are in the way for one to focus on the good. The acting is at times horrible and the scares are few and non-effective. If you're really into slasher flicks then you might wanna check it out but don't expect too much.
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DIRECTOR: Stevan Mena
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Samantha Dark, Heather Magee, Richard Glover
RUNTIME: 90 min
RATING: 4/10
Malevolence Website/IMDB Click here
Malevolence Trailer Click here