The story takes place long ago in the Iron Age where youths were taken from their families and sacrificed to the Minotaur, a mythical beast that dwells beneath a great palace. Theo is haunted by the loss of his sweet love who was taken earlier, and sacrificed to the Minotaur God. But he has a feeling that she might still be alive, and that the God is not really a God, but a beast that actually can be killed. He comes up with a plan, and when some families are taken to be sacrificed, he let the soldiers take him too in order to get to the beast and kill it.
Minotaur is a Sci Fi Channel movie from LionsGate, but with it being a movie for the Sci Fi Channel, it kinda put me off a bit right before I had even seen the flick itself. On the other hand, it stars Rutger Hauer and Tony Todd, and even if it felt like a proper B-flick, I still thought it could might be worth a look, since those two guys were in it. Honestly, I was expecting Minotaur to be pure shite, and while it didn't turn out to be a really good flick, it was still a bit better than I first had though it would be.
Now, with it having Rutger Hauer and Tony Todd in it did infact not really improve the flick, and while Hauer was not the least bit memorable, Todd was not even close to delivering the goods. So what was left was the beast, The Minotaur, which actually looked quite all right, something that came as a surprise since I was expecting some shitty kind of minotaur-looking monster. It's well made and believe it or not, the movie actually had some gore to offer. Not much and not that great, but still some gore, and you know what they say, a little gore is better than no gore, and I for one really can agree on that.
Another thing on the plus side was that the movie takes place in an age long ago, the Iron Age to be exact. That was way better and felt more suiting than if the movie would've taken place in present time, having a mythical beast in the middle of it all. It takes some time before the beast shows itself on screen, but the very moment it showed itself made for a pretty good scene. It's was gory, sudden, and The Minotaur looked pretty awesome. After that thought, things just keep repeating itself when Theo and c/o were trapped in underground tunnels beneath a palace, trying to make it out before The Minotaur would devour them.
The Minotaur kept showing up every now and then, killing some of the people down in the tunnels, and since Theo was the fine hero and wanted to kill the beast, I guess you can figure out how it all ends. It looked kinda ok, the acting wasn't half-bad and The Minotaur was well-made and looked pretty cool. Still though, the story wasn't that interesting and after a while, even The Minotaur itself got a bit boring.
It was not so good so that I would recommend it, but at the same time, it turned out to be better than I first had thought. It's a watchable movie, but still felt pretty much like a not the least bit memorable type of B-flick.
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DIRECTOR: Jonathan English
WRITING CREDITS: Nick Green, Stephen McDool
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Tom Hardy, Rutger Hauer, Tony Todd
COUNTRY: UK, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Spain
RUNTIME: 93 min
RATING: 4/10
Minotaur Website/IMDB Click here
Minotaur Trailer Click here