A busy couple goes on holiday to the Caribbean and are really happy to be able to get away since both of them work so much and don't have too much spare time. Anyway so once they're there they decide to go scuba diving several miles out in the open sea and they do so on a boat with a group of other scuba diving people. Once out there the boat with the other scuba divers do a misscalculated head count once finished and leaves for land not realizing that they forgot the couple in the water.
I like shark flicks, only problem is that there are hardly no good ones out there, you have Jaws which is the king and then the rest is either just ok to watch or just plain horrible.
What made this movie a little more interesting is that it's based on a true story, and movies based on true stories are usually better in my book. This is not a very good movie, but since it's based on a true event it's still very interesting.
It's kinda horrible when you think about it, to be left out in the open water with land so far away, and it adds a lot to the movie that it's based on a true story since you can't help to think about the people who were actually left like that for real.
The rest of the movie is just them in the water drifting and trying to make some passing ships see them which they never do. And then it's the sharks too.
I actually expected to see more of the sharks in this movie because we don't really get to see a whole lot, but at some part of the movie towards the end it gets very intense and just that scene kinda makes up for the whole movie which otherwise is somewhat boring every now and then.
The acting is lousy, and the movie is very low budget so don't expect too much. But in the end, it's interesting and even though it's far from great, I'm still happy that I got to see it.
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DIRECTOR: Chris Kentis
GENRE: Thriller
CAST: Blanchard Ryan, Daniel Travis, Saul Stein
RUNTIME: 79 min
RATING: 4/10
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