A man who works at a medical supply warehouse is curious of a barrels contents and opens it not realising that it contains a deadly gas which makes the dead re-animate. Soon there are tons of zombies running amok in Louisville, Kentucky and are only after one thing, to eat brains.
Brrrrrraaaiiinnnsssss!!! The Return of the Living Dead is a fantastic horror movie that could've been part of a fantastic trilogy, but then, not too long ago when writing this, they decided to do not only a fourth but a fifth movie as well. Anyway, this movie has a little of everything to offer, at least for fans of horror and if you haven't seen it yet then you have truly missed something.
According to me this is one of the better horror films out there and it is a true joy to watch. It delivers tons of black humor among with tons of gore and splatter and will definitely satisfy people into this type of stuff.
Fun thing when dealing with zombies here is that you don't get the usually slow and brain damaged ones but these ones are actually fast and can both talk, think and feel.
The Return of the Living Dead features a lot of cool characters that adds a lot to the movie, from the warehouse manager who lets the chemicals out, the owner of the warehouse who'll do anything to save the name and reputation of his company to the very original mortician who works next to the warehouse and of course a bunch of other people too.
The special effects are great and the overall performances from the different actors are very good as well. It's fast paced to say the least, and out of the 91 minutes running time there's not one boring minute to find. Definitely a must see.
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DIRECTOR: Dan O'Bannon
WRITING CREDITS: Dan O'Bannon, Rudy Ricci
GENRE: Horror, Comedy, Sci-Fi
CAST: James Karen, Clu Gulager, Don Calfa
RUNTIME: 91 min
RATING: 10/10
Return of the Living Dead Website/IMDB Click here
Return of the Living Dead Trailer Click here