This time the story is about Chucky's and Tiffany's child who's looking for his real parents and goes to Hollywood to find them, because of that he saw Chucky and Tiffany on tv at a movie shoot that was taking place in Hollywood.
Let's start from the beginning. When Child's Play first came out it was a pretty good movie, I was quite young back then and didn't know better. I decided to watch it again like two years ago and I guess in some way it has its charm and since it came out long ago it's ok, if a movie like that would've been released nowadays it would've been crap.
Then Child's Play 2-3 came which both are basically the first movie all over again, not one but two times. Then came a big surprise which was Bride of Chucky which I consider to be the best movie in the series. It had a better sense of humour than the three earlier movies and was way different too.
Since Bride of Chucky first came out I've been watching it again a number of times and I think it's an excellent movie, so when I heard about Seed of Chucky I thought that maybe it's gonna be in the same vein too. Let me tell you, it's not.
I must admit that I kinda like the actual story in Seed of Chucky but the way they made a movie out of it kinda ruined it, it's way too Hollywood (and that's never a good thing).
It has some of the dark humour which is supposed to be there but most of the time it's just not very funny and actually quite lame. Other than that, starring is also Redman, uhhh, what the hell...this drags the rating down for sure.
Jennifer Tilly is supposed to be a part of the movie, and I don't hate her or anything but here she's not just any fun to watch, she's just kind of annoying. Although I liked her in Bride of Chucky, but here it doesn't work that well.
When writing this I've seen Seed of Chucky three times. First time I would have given it a 7 out of 10 rating, since even though it wasn't that good I still wanted to like it, or so I told myself. Second viewing the rating would have been 5 out of 10, cuz it was so much worse the second time. Don't ask me why I saw it a third time but in the end it had to land on 4 out of 10.
I guess in some ways it's somewhat entertaining, but as a whole it's not a very good movie.
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DIRECTOR: Don Mancini
GENRE: Horror, Comedy
CAST: Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, Billy Boyd
RUNTIME: 87 min
RATING: 4/10
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Seed of Chucky Trailer Click here