A poisonous rat monkey is captured and taken to a zoo in New Zealand that Lionel and his new girlfriend Paquita visits. His overprotective mother is stalking him and happens to get bit by the rat monkey which makes her slowly turn into some sort of zombie. After being bitten, everyone she bites also turns into zombies and Lionel who lives with his mother and tries to take care of her have to fight hordes of zombies that constantly keeps popping up.
It's kinda amazing when thinking that Peter Jackson actually managed to make such a good low-budget film like Braindead and also a movie like Bad Taste. And later became commersial and did the shitty LOTR trilogy and even worse, the new remake of King Kong. But I guess that's just the way things are and even if we will never see him making great movies like Braindead again, we still at least have his early productions.
I think every horror film fan have seen Braindead and if you haven't then it's about time you do. It's a great mix of comedy and splatter with a pretty cool story and it's overall a super entertaining movie to watch.
 The guy who plays the role of Lionel is really fun to watch as he's a mama's boy and kind of a nervous one and has to deal with the fact that his mother's turning into a zombie. Braindead is filled with black humour and it's often quite funny to watch. There are so many little things that makes this movie good and even though it offers a lot of comic relief it never gets too goofy or unserious to watch, although it's never that serious to begin with.
With tons and tons of gore Peter Jackson has pulled off a great movie here that you can watch and enjoy over and over again from time to time. Truly recommended and not to be missed.
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DIRECTOR: Peter Jackson
WRITING CREDITS: Stephen Sinclair
GENRE: Horror, Comedy
CAST: Timothy Balme, Diana Peņalver, Elizabeth Moody
COUNTRY: New Zealand
RUNTIME: 104 min
RATING: 8/10
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Braindead Trailer Click here