Tamara is an unattractive high-school girl who's into witchcraft and people doesn't seem to care too much for her. She also has a crush on her teacher but he does not respond the way she wants to. Her teacher publishes an article that Tamara wrote about the use of drugs and steroids in high-school to help her improve her self-esteem, but it backfires and makes things even worse for Tamara with the other students. Some students decide to get back and play a prank on her but it goes wrong and she ends up dead. But due to a love-spell she casted on her teacher earlier, she is brought back to life again and seeks revenge on those who whacked her sorry ass.
I actually expected Tamara to be another dreadfull typical teen-horror movie with stereotype characters and all that. Luckily I was wrong, well at least somewhat wrong. There are stereotype characters but the movie manages to offer a little more than your average teen-horror flick usually do.
You can't help but to think of Stephen King's Carrie as the story is somewhat similar even though if it's a little different here. The story is nothing fantastic but ok for what it is and manages to be kinda interesting the movie throughout....I said kinda.
Although what surprised me when watching Tamara was the actual gory moments as this movie actually offers some true gore that is great to watch. Then of course it has it's faults and everything but the actual gore is brilliant and this flick is worth watching only for that reason.
I thought you were gonna feel sorry for Tamara since she has a hard time in high-school and is disliked by almost everyone. But the thing is that once brought back to life she's a real bitch and you couldn't care less for her. And before she becomes a bitch she's too much of a whimp and quite irritating to watch so she doesn't come out very good one way or the other.
Keep in mind that it's a teen-horror flick quite similar to a lot of the same type of movies out there. That is with the characters and the basic movie in general. Storywise it's ok but as said before, nothing that special. I gave this movie a 7 out of 10 and if it would not've been for the gore, I would have given it a 4, maybe 5 on a good day.
I didn't really find any likable characters here, one girl perhaps but that's it. Most of them were just irritating, even Tamara. Also there's no one to really root for either. You just wanna see Tamara make her killings, but you couldn't really care less for her either. There's one scare that was pretty effective, but was also the only real scare the movie had to offer.
It's pretty entertaining and if you wanna see a teen-flick that actually has some proper gore, then you should give it a go.
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DIRECTOR: Jeremy Haft
WRITING CREDITS: Jeffrey Reddick
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Jenna Dewan, Matthew Marsden, Chad Faust
RUNTIME: 91 min
RATING: 7/10
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