A teenage girl named Diana Collins accidentally finds the stone where the Djinn is trapped and once again he's released into the human world. The Djinn starts killing off people at Diana's campus by making the students there wish for things that will come true in a horrible way. But as usual, he must grant three wishes from the one who woke him up and that's Diana, who now have to come up with a way to stop the Djinn from unleashing hell upon the earth.
Why the hell did they make a third Wishmaster movie, not to mention a fourth one. Were they on heavy drugs or do they just get off on making super shitty movies? I don't know, but what I do know is just how much Wishmaster 3 blows. Everything here is a complete joke, but unfortunately not in the sense of 'it's so bad it's good', it just plain sucks.
The boring Djinn is back again and he looks even worse than before. At least he looked a bit cool in the two previous movies but here he just looks plastic and stupid. Another thing is that he's not played by Andrew Divoff anymore, now it's some other jerk portraying him and he's doing a lousy job doing so. At least Divoff had the voice thing going and his overall performance added a little to the Djinn itself. I not saying that Wishmaster one or two were great, they were actually far from it, but compared to this pile of garbage they are both fantastic.
Thing here is that nothing new is added to the same old tired story. The Djinn awakes once again, starts spreading chaos and needs three wishes from the one who woke him in order for him to unleash his hellish legions upon the earth. I would've liked to see those hellish legions but unfortunately that didn't happen. But considering how bad the make-up and the CGI was, I'm not really sure they would've looked that great.
This time it's some college student named Diana who awakens the Djinn and she's anything but likable. It's amazing that those people who awakens the Djinn are always strong fearless characters. If I would've awakened the Djinn I would've probably just shit my pants and then commited suicide, but these people are not afraid of him and does everything in their power to stop him. That's just fantastic, but it's not the least realistic in the first place so what the heck.
Diana's boyfriend is the one to watch out for here. He's a sissy boy that do whatever his girlfriend tells him and he's just horrible to watch. If that was not enough, he's later transformed into the Archangel Michael but still remains to look exactly the same, only thing is that he's now carrying a big ass sword that looks ridiculous and his voice changes too.
That thing with the voice is so stupid I can't even begin to describe it. I didn't now whether to laugh, cry or chop my ears off when I heard it. Thing is that he, from the moment he becomes the angel, just starts to speak a little bit darker than before and keeps doing that for the rest of the movie throughout. But it feels so forced, sounds so stupid and the guy even looks ridiculous when he speaks, you can tell that he's really concentrating on keeping up the voice act and that made me feel sick to my stomach.
Just like in the previous movies there are some gore, but what looked a little bit cool in those movies looks pathetic here. The acting is horrible, the CGI effects are comlete crap, the score is unbelievably bad, the story is lame, the characters are the worst ever, the director is an idiot and everyone involved in the making of this shitfest should be shot. There are so many independent filmmakers out there with great ideas but who never gets the chance or has the money to be able to make something more out of their ideas. And that's why it sucks so much to watch movies like this were they have a decent budget but lack ideas or a brain for that matter but are still allowed to make movies.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Wishmaster 3: Sword of Justice
Wishmaster 3: Devil Stone
DIRECTOR: Chris Angel
WRITING CREDITS: Peter Atkins, Alex Wright
GENRE: Horror
CAST: John Novak, A.J. Cook, Tobias Mehler
RUNTIME: 89 min
RATING: 0/10
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Website/IMDB Click here
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell Trailer Click here