Danny and Denise have just got married, and are on their way to spend their honeymoon in a big house on the Jersey shore. Everything is top-notch, and the couple couldn't be more happy, but one day when laying on the beach, Denise sees some strange looking fellow appearing from the water and walking towards them. The stranger attacks Danny and drools/pukes up some green slime on him, and after that Danny's heart stops and Denise takes him to the hospital. Once at the hospital, Danny is declared dead, but wakes up again after ten minutes, just like nothing ever happened. They go back to their happy married life, but things don't stay happy for long since Danny apparently got infected, and gradually turns into a flesh-eating zombie.
Zombie Honeymoon, the title kinda says it all.. A couple go on their honeymoon, the guy gets infected by some zombie-looking dude, and gradually starts turning into a zombie. I thought this movie would be a funny zombie movie, with a lot of comical stuff in it, but I was pretty off there. Although it features some amounts of black humour, I wouldn't say that the flick is very funny, and if it wouldn't have been for the gore, it would've been a straight-forward romantic drama. Fortunately it has some gore, and at least it's watchable for the sake of that. The story itself is also pretty simple but cool, it's just that the movie sometimes felt a bit too slow.
What it has its main focus is on the love and the bond between the married couple. Danny turns into a zombie, and Denise has to deal with it, something that proves not to be an easy task. One thing that actually was a bit funny was the fact that both Danny and Denise were vegetarians, and suddenly all the guy wanted was raw meat. At first he doesn't look all that bad, and Denise catched him one day at home, eating away at some neighbour in the bathtub, and that really were it all starts. She of course panics for a moment and is about to leave Danny, but then changes her mind and stays...in sickness and in health. But things keep getting worse, and Danny becomes more uncontrolable as time passes by. He attacks people to left and right, and he's turning more and more into a proper zombie, and his body and face starts to wither as well.
It sounds pretty great doesn't it? The fact is that the story is totally ok, but the way everything's played out/executed is not that great. It just feels too slow at times, and even thought there were a lot of quite gory moments, they couldn't really save it either. I wish that it would've featured some more humour, because it felt way too serious even though it's a movie you really don't expect to be that serious to begin with. It's never the least bit scary, and even if the gore is nicely done, it after a short while just feels like it's repeating itself over and over again.
It's far from being a bad movie, but I have to admit I had a really hard time staying completely focused the whole thing throughout. The character development is not that strong and you just don't really care too much about the people in it. Basically, I was in the mood for a fun and nasty zombie flick, but what I got was a real drama that had a zombie theme to it and some gory moments to offer as well. The gore and the make-up is good and it all looks all right, and the same goes for the acting which is not great but definitely decent. The score on the other hand though were f**kin terrible, and some of the shitty songs just gave me a headache.
When I finished watching Zombie Honeymoon, I couldn't help but to feel a bit cheated. It's all my fault though for expecting something totally different, and what I got instead wasn't really that great. Storywise it's a bit admirable, and it's definitely a cool story but that eventually starts to drag a bit too much and never really snaps out of it either. The gore is decent but it gets boring after a while as well, and that leaves you with just the drama part which I guess is ok, but that I was so not in the mood for. Watchable, but lower your expectations.
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DIRECTOR: David Gebroe
GENRE: Horror, Comedy, Drama, Romance
CAST: Graham Sibley, Tonya Cornelisse, Tracy Coogan
RUNTIME: 83 min
RATING: 4/10
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Zombie Honeymoon Trailer Click here