Buffy is a cheerleader in high school who likes to hang out with her friends and shop, talk about boys and all of that crap, she also has her head in the air. One day an old man named Merrick (played by Donald Sutherland) shows up at her school and tells her that she's the chosen one. Buffy of course thinks he's just a perverted old man with nothing better to do than to bother people so she ignores him. But then later on people from her school start turning up missing and are later found dead with bite marks on their necks.
This is the real Buffy movie and not the Sarah Michelle Gellar crap you've seen on tv. It was made in '92 but when watching it feels like it was made in the 80's.
Anyway, if you're familiar with the tv-series this is basically the same thing only that this is the full-length feature that came before the tv-series was born. And hey, it has Luke Perry in it...uhh
This is a fun and somewhat cheesy movie that anyone can watch and enjoy. And even if I'm not a big fan of Luke Perry, he's actually not bad in this movie, (that doesn't mean that he's good). Rutger Hauer plays Lothos, the vampire leader that wants to kill Buffy and that Buffy of course has to destory.
I guess if you're a fan of the show you are bound to compare the show with the movie and that's no good. The show of course has higher budget and better effects, well much better effects but that doesn't really matter here.
I feel that this movie have a lot of more feeling to it than the actual show has, but maybe that's because I watch this movie long before the show even existed.
If you're a fan of the show you should know where it came from and if you're not a fan of the show it's probably even better. It's an enjoyable little flick and if you haven't seen it, then why not give it a shot.
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DIRECTOR: Fran Rubel Kuzui
GENRE: Horror, Comedy, Action
CAST: Kristy Swanson, Luke Perry, Donald Sutherland
RUNTIME: 86 min
RATING: 6/10
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