A nerd named Alistair needs a place to live and moves in with three college students that are all potheads. One of them finds an add in a paper for a "possessed bong" and orders it with hopes of getting more high than usual, but is not too worried about that possessed stuff. After the arrival of the new bong, they of course try it out at once and it doesn't take long before one of the potheads ends up dead. Another one of the rommies are soon to go and in the end it's all up to nerdy Alistair and Tommy Chong to stop the evil bong.
Where to start? Well, I was seriously hung-over when I decided to take a look at Charles Band's Evil Bong, and while I think that helped me get through it a little easier, because after all I was looking for an easy film to watch, it just wasn't enough. Evil Bong is actually a really bad film, not that I expected it to be very good in the first place, but it was even too dumb for the state that I was in. I think you need to be seriously baked to be able to find some amusement here, as well as I'm sure the movie has its target audience that will probably find a lot to enjoy in the film, but since I'm not one of those, I found it quite difficult to sit through it all.
It is exactly what you'd expect though, nothing more, nothing less - just another stoner movie. You know exactly what's gonna happen all the way through, it's predictable and for most of the time you're just hoping for it to end as soon as possible. It doesn't look bad though, but the pacing was a bit too slow and there was not much to laugh at really. Bill Moseley makes an apperance and says some funny stuff, unfortunately that very scene only lasted for about 20 seconds or so and after that it was back to being all dull again. I did like the foul-mouthed grandpa though and that scene were he introudced his new wife to his grandson was funny. But for most of the time, the comedy that actually worked was pretty much none-existent and those scenes that were funny were just too few and too far apart.
 When someone uses the bong, that persons ends up in the world of the bong which is nothing more than a strip-joint. The place does not only have naked girls, but also stars and puppets from other Full Moon productions that you might recognize, or not. It looks a bit cheap though and is supposed to be a dreamlike reality, but looks to be nothing more than a half empty strip-club. Pot and boobs might be enough for some and while I have nothing against any of those things, it's just not enough to make a good film.
Not too much happens in the movie actually and it's slow-paced as well as extremely forgettable. The acting is not horrible, but sure could've been better, although most of the acting serves this type of films pretty well. The lingo is not as tired as I first thought it would be and it was actually more irritating to hear the nerd talk rather than hearing the stoners. The film also serves as advertisement for Charles Band's Monster Bras that you can buy over at his site as well as other places I guess. They look horrible though and if I were to find my girlfriend wearing one of those, I'd kick her out in a heartbeat.
If you're a fan of B-movie veteran Charles Band and other of his Full Moon productions, you might wanna give Evil Bong a look, but load up on the weed before you do, because I'm sure that is the only thing that can save this flick, if even that.
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DIRECTOR: Charles Band
GENRE: Comedy, Horror
CAST: Tommy Chong, John Patrick Jordan, Kristyn Green
RUNTIME: 85 min
RATING: 2/10
Evil Bong Website/IMDB
Evil Bong Trailer Click here