Six guys think they're gonna have the time of their life in a whore house that they just heard about, but when getting there, it turns out to be everything but a pleasant experience.
Mustang Sally's House of Horror, or rather Mustang Sally's House of Poorly Written Dialogue is not a good film, infact it's so bad that it would be better to get hit by a bus than having to sit through this lousy film again. I kid you not, and I can't believe that someone actually took time to make this movie, because one just gotta wonder, who in their right mind could possibly like this? One thing that is truly funny after having seen such a horrible waste of film is to head over to the IMDB in order to see what other people have written about it...and it's always the same thing. Movies like this always get rave reviews, there are usually between 5 to 10 comments or so, all of which tells us just how freaking great the movie is. As we all know, because this is always the case when it comes to movies like this, is that the filmmakers, actors or friends of some of the two have written all the comments themselves. What I never understand though is why they always give the movies almost the highest ratings possible, instead of trying to be a bit realistic and give them like a 5-6 or so that people would actually believe. It's just ridiculous and we've seen it so many times before, but it's always kinda funny because for the fact of how stupid it is, but at the same time, it's quite sickening as well.
Ok, so if you gonna watch this film, grab onto the remote, because you're gonna need it during the first 40 minutes or so (or maybe you're smart enough to turn it off after 5 minutes), anyway, you're in for hell and it's about to get worse. With a bad script, you can't go too far and this one really goes nowhere. First we have to listen to these young boys that find out about a whore house that they decide to visit. They arrive at the place, Mustang Sally's, and introduce themselves to the hostess in the dumbest way possible. They shake her hand, one at the time, and she tells them what they're all about like some fortune-teller or something...just fantastic. They're soon introduced to the girls and we know we're in for plenty of softcore sex-scenes that will seem to never end. Good for you that you held onto the remote because you'd wanna use it here. Later on, it's killing time and it's not too much fun and apart from that, the film has a little "twist" if we now can call it that to offer which was not that great. Needless to say, it all ends with one major headache.
Mustang Sally's House of Horror felt like a bad version of Bordello of Blood - that they somehow picked up that same basic idea, but then turned it into something slightly different. While the Tales from the Crypt feature had a few things that were at least midly entertaining, this one really had nothing going for it. Acting-wise it was actually not as bad as the overall film may sound like, sure a few of the bunch delivers wooden and unconvincing performances, but there are also those that maybe could've been all right if someone would've given them something decent to work with. I know I've been complaining like crazy here, but to be completely honest, this was truly a waste of time. The film felt a bit sloopy as well, like they've just shot it as fast as humanly possible to get things over with and never took time to look at what could've been improved. Worst thing about seeing movies like this is for the fact that in this world there are a lot of talented people who never gets the chance at making a movie, while at the same time, guys like this can spew out any kinda crap and be able to put it on film. It's amazing as well as it's truly a sad thing when you think about it.
The so-bad-it's-good saying does not apply here, as it was all just pretty darn bad. Head over to IMDB if you wanna read some truly unbelievable shite, (some f**ker even wrote that the director is great! Yeah, good one..), but my advise to you is to stay away from this one..far away.
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DIRECTOR: Iren Koster
GENRE: Horror, Thriller
CAST: Elizabeth Daily, Lindsey Labrum, Mark Parrish
RUNTIME: 85 min
RATING: 1/10
Mustang Sally's House Of Horror Website/IMDB Click here
Mustang Sally's House Of Horror Trailer Click here