When a voodoo experiment goes wrong, three nerds wake up in a morgue the next day and find that they're all zombies. At first they discover that they are super strong and have great powers, but soon they fall apart and must try and find a cure to snap out of their current state of undeadness.
Well blow me backwards. Sitting through Night of the Living Dorks would probably be something similar to getting hit by a car and then when you're seriously injured and hospitalized, the nurse forces you to watch a Pauly Shore movie ten times in a row. You could literally feel thousands of your brain cells getting completely fried and wasted during the course of the film, and I believe this is one of the dumbest, most ridiculous films I've seen in years. Some moron over at the IMDB described Night of the Living Dorks as a "refreshing teen comedy" and that might apply if you're retarded, but this German semi rip-off of American Pie is nothing but 89 minutes of the worst unoriginal, unfunny crap when it comes to movie making. Ok, so it might have a couple of jokes that do actually work, only thing though is that they get lost in puddle of crap that the movie's floating in.
 One thing I have never been able to watch is dubbed films as it gives them a unrealistic feel, not to mention that it looks incredibly stupid. Well, Night of the Living Dorks was dubbed all right, and if it wasn't a bad movie to begin with, the dubbing only added more negativity to it. Ok, so the movie relies on being idiotic so one would have to try and go with it, but it is h-a-r-d.. way too hard. Imagine a horrible version of American Pie where the jokes are way too obvious and not the least bit funny, and instead of hearing these shitty American skate-punk songs, we get to hear shitty German skate-punk songs.. uhhh. Furthermore it has a horror, well a zombie twist to it which could've been a funny thing, bit it is not and the girl that's supposed to be hot looks like a train wreck. Did I mention that all the actors blow? No? Well, they do, a whole lot.
When hearing comedy and zombies you might of course think Shaun of the Dead, but think again because to even compare these two movies would be pretty blasphemous. I know some people that would probably enjoy this film, but these are the kind of people that would also claim that Steven Seagal is a really talented actor, and I guess that pretty much says it all. I didn't find Dead and Breakfast to be a very good movie but since they are a bit similar and if I were going to compare them, I'd have to say that Dead and Breakfast is one glorious film indeed. Night of the Living Dorks has a little of that horror comedy feel a la the 80's to it, and even though I'm a big fan of 80's horror, it doesn't help the film get any better at all. So the special effects may not be that bad and the make-up may work too along with a couple of gags, but that does so not make a whole film.
I sit through way too many crappy horror movies every week, but usually, even though some films can be pretty awful they still might have something that's a little rewarding. Night of the Living Dorks has nothing of that and those minor things that do actually work are so overshadowed by all the crap, they're not even there anymore.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Die Nacht der lebenden Loser
DIRECTOR: Mathias Dinter
GENRE: Comedy, Horror
CAST: Tino Mewes, Manuel Cortez, Thomas Schmieder
COUNTRY: Germany
RUNTIME: 89 min
RATING: 1/10
Night of the Living Dorks Website/IMDB Click here
Night of the Living Dorks Trailer Click here