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Codex Atanicus
Codex Atanicus is a three story anthology by Spanish director Carlos Atanes. Before watching the movie I never heard of the guy, but the introduction video on the DVD by one of his regular actresses Arantxa Peņa made me realize that I'm in for a hell of a ride. Experimental, bizarre, sick, strange - these are some of the words that describe the stories contained in Codex Atanicus. The anthology is opened by a 20 minute short from 1995 called Metaminds & Metabodies. I am really not into this kind of experimental videos, but I will try to summarize. It opens with a girl singing in the club. Everything looks ultra underground and the girl is connected with some wires to the walls. Strange people are watching her...
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Movie Review: Cannibal

A young man with a cannibalistic obsession since childhood desperately combs the internet in search of his first victim. After some time he finally gets a reply from a guy that's a willing participant in the young man's sick desire to eat human flesh. Said to be based on a true story.

Let me first go on the record and state that this movie was almost hard for me to watch, and saying that means alot. I'd put it around the ranks of Nekromantik 1 and 2 which tells you how jacked up this movie is. Secondly I've never seen gay porn before so watching this movie kinda reassured me that I'll NEVER go that route.

Anyways so the movie starts out with a young boy being read to by his mother. The story is Hansel and Gretel, and for some strange reason the part about the witch wanting to eat Hansel and Gretel sticks with him throughout his life until the present time of the movie when we come to find that he's got extensive books on cannibalism and everything to do with eating flesh. His obsession becomes something realistic when he puts an ad online for a victim and after many people backing down and running off he finally comes across a willing participant.

Cannibal Cannibal

After alot of heavy petting we come to find that the two guys are both pretty gay, which I dont mind, it was the playing out in the grass naked and the buttsex that got to me, and I could feel my pants shrinking to the sight of it. So anyways after the buttsex the victim decides he wants his dong bitten off so our young cannibal in training goes to bite it off and only bites enough to make it bleed. Well the victim is outraged, feeling like he's wasting his time and that the young man is too scared to go through with eating him so he asks to go home.

Well needless to say the movie didn't end there, after some conviencing they go back to the young man's house and pick up where they left off, and I'll stop it at that because obviously by the name of this movie something DOES happen, let me just be the first to say, HOLY SHIT! This movie got to me, got to me in a way that most movies don't, see with all the movies I've seen many are just totally made up movies that could never happen but this movie just tells me that this really does happen. In fact, it's said this movie is evidence in the trial of a real cannibal, but of course we can tell it isn't by all the different secondary cameras used in the movie, kinda like a Blair Witch of cannibalism.

Anyways, all the buttsex and flesh eating aside this movie was gripping, it starts out extremely slow, then goes to the extremely dirty, then to the "HOLY SHIT IS THAT REALLY HAPPENING" stage. Blood, guts, intestines, fecal matter, nothing is held back and let me tell you watching this movie just one time will leave such an impression on the mind that you'll be stuck with it forever, burned into it's own little spot in your mind. This movie is NOT for the faint hearted.

Final Comments
All you shock watchers will love this movie, it's vile, personally I'd have to say I'd definately gone out and ordered this movie just for curiosity sake but I think I'll only need to watch it again if I'm showing friends how shocking it is. With that said I loved it! Does that make me sick? Probably, but damn it, this movie is by far one of the sickest I've seen to date.


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DIRECTOR: Marian Dora
GENRE: Horror, Drama
CAST: Carsten Frank, Victor Brandl, Manoush
RUNTIME: 89 min

RATING: 8/10

Cannibal Website/IMDB Click here
Cannibal Trailer Click here

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