A group of people land in the jungle due to having some problems with their plane, but the plane is actually the least they have to worry about since the jungle is swarming with hungry cannibals.
It's quite sad that those glorious days of gory Cannibal films are long gone and nowadays, well, all you can do is just to watch them again and again to re-live that great 70's feel they bring, the excitment and the very terror itself! I don't know how many times I've watched all these old Italian films but the fact is that I can never seem to get enough of it as they're just too darn wonderful. Ruggero Deodato's Jungle Holocaust or Ultimo Mondo Cannibale, which is the film's original title, is one fine cannibal mother indeed, based on true events-- something that makes it even better. Like in so many other of these nasty films we're taken deep into the jungle where those evil cannibals are lurking around, looking for human flesh and doing very gross things in general.
We're introduced to Robert Harper and his crew who are stranded in the middle of a massive jungle due to some problems with their plane. While the pilot is trying to fix it, Robert and Rolf heads out in the jungle to do some exploring and are almost immediately lost. When they find their way back to the plane, the pilot says it's too dark to be flying so they'll have to wait till morning. Fine they say, we'll sleep in the plane, but a girl who's with them needs to use the "bathroom" and when she does, she's abducted by something or someone that we don't know of.. yet. The next day arrives and the three men heads out in the jungle to look for the missing girl, but things soon takes a turn for the worst when the pilot dies (oh man what a sweet scene it is) and Robert and Rolf shortly after loses each other out there in the big jungle when going on a raft.
 Well Robert doesn't give up that easy, but when trying to find his way back to the plane, he runs into some nasty cannibals (loads of them) that takes him prisoner, and from there on end, things does not look too bright for him. What is great about this flick is that it pretty much takes off at full speed right away, it's a bit intense and you're actually a bit worried about the characters (even though you know they're gonna run into a whole lotta trouble.) Talking about being worried about the characters, later on in the movie you will be worried for Robert's sake because his situation as a prisoner drags a lot and it's a bit hard to know what to expect. When are they gonna eat him, or are they not? Well, watch the movie and you'll find out.
Jungle Holocaust is a nasty flick and fans of gore will of course be fully satisfied, but it's never over-the-top and what you get is a lot but never way too much. But for the sake of gore alone is not the reason why to see this film, the first thing that makes Jungle Holocaust a good film is the suspense it delivers, and trust me, it is quite suspenseful. Other than that you get the usual slaughtering of animals and of course you get to see some naked people too, even though those scenes will not make you jump with joy. It also has some funny bits in it like for instance when Robert rapes a tribe girl and the next day she brings him breakfast, that's just so screwed up it's funny as hell... or is it just me?
If you like those old cannibal flicks you'll definitely like this one too. Ruggero Deodato made this one before he got his big break with the master of all cannibal movies: Cannibal Holocaust.
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ALTERNATIVE TITLE: Ultimo Mondo Cannibale, Carnivorous, Last Cannibal World, The Last Survivor
DIRECTOR: Ruggero Deodato
WRITING CREDITS: Tito Carpi, Gianfranco Clerici
GENRE: Horror
CAST: Massimo Foschi, Me Me Lai, Ivan Rassimov
RUNTIME: 92 min
RATING: 7/10
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Jungle Holocaust Trailer Click here